Elizabeth von Hauff
Elizabeth von Hauff
Fraunhofer FEP/TU Dresden
確認したメール アドレス: fep.fraunhofer.de
Consensus statement for stability assessment and reporting for perovskite photovoltaics based on ISOS procedures
MV Khenkin, EA Katz, A Abate, G Bardizza, JJ Berry, C Brabec, F Brunetti, ...
Nature Energy 5 (1), 35-49, 2020
Impedance spectroscopy for emerging photovoltaics
E Von Hauff
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (18), 11329-11346, 2019
Degradation effects related to the hole transport layer in organic solar cells
B Ecker, JC Nolasco, J Pallarés, LF Marsal, J Posdorfer, J Parisi, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 21 (14), 2705-2711, 2011
Structural correlations in the generation of polaron pairs in low-bandgap polymers for photovoltaics
R Tautz, E Da Como, T Limmer, J Feldmann, HJ Egelhaaf, E Von Hauff, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 970, 2012
Diphenylmethanofullerenes: new and efficient acceptors in bulk‐heterojunction solar cells
I Riedel, E von Hauff, J Parisi, N Martín, F Giacalone, V Dyakonov
Advanced Functional Materials 15 (12), 1979-1987, 2005
Study of field effect mobility in PCBM films and P3HT: PCBM blends
E von Hauff, V Dyakonov, J Parisi
Solar energy materials and solar cells 87 (1-4), 149-156, 2005
Procedures and practices for evaluating thin‐film solar cell stability
R Roesch, T Faber, E Von Hauff, TM Brown, M Lira‐Cantu, H Hoppe
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (20), 1501407, 2015
Impact of the incorporation of Au nanoparticles into polymer/fullerene solar cells
K Topp, H Borchert, F Johnen, AV Tunc, M Knipper, E Von Hauff, J Parisi, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114 (11), 3981-3989, 2010
Charge transfer excitons in polymer/fullerene blends: the role of morphology and polymer chain conformation
M Hallermann, I Kriegel, E Da Como, JM Berger, E Von Hauff, J Feldmann
Advanced Functional Materials 19 (22), 3662-3668, 2009
Impedance spectroscopy for perovskite solar cells: characterisation, analysis, and diagnosis
E Von Hauff, D Klotz
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10 (2), 742-761, 2022
Understanding S-Shaped Current–Voltage Characteristics in Organic Solar Cells Containing a TiOx Interlayer with Impedance Spectroscopy and Equivalent …
B Ecker, HJ Egelhaaf, R Steim, J Parisi, E Von Hauff
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (31), 16333-16337, 2012
Challenges and perspectives in continuous glucose monitoring
BJ Van Enter, E Von Hauff
Chemical Communications 54 (40), 5032-5045, 2018
How intermolecular geometrical disorder affects the molecular doping of donor–acceptor copolymers
D Di Nuzzo, C Fontanesi, R Jones, S Allard, I Dumsch, U Scherf, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6460, 2015
Plasmon‐enhanced photocurrent of photosynthetic pigment proteins on nanoporous silver
VM Friebe, JD Delgado, DJK Swainsbury, JM Gruber, A Chanaewa, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (2), 285-292, 2016
Molecular doping of low-bandgap-polymer: fullerene solar cells: Effects on transport and solar cells
AV Tunc, A De Sio, D Riedel, F Deschler, E Da Como, J Parisi, ...
Organic electronics 13 (2), 290-296, 2012
Reduced Charge Transfer Exciton Recombination in Organic Semiconductor<? format?> Heterojunctions by Molecular Doping
F Deschler, E Da Como, T Limmer, R Tautz, T Godde, M Bayer, ...
Physical review letters 107 (12), 127402, 2011
Interpreting the density of states extracted from organic solar cells using transient photocurrent measurements
RCI MacKenzie, CG Shuttle, GF Dibb, N Treat, E von Hauff, MJ Robb, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (24), 12407-12414, 2013
Correlation between charge transfer exciton recombination and photocurrent in polymer/fullerene solar cells
M Hallermann, E Da Como, J Feldmann, M Izquierdo, S Filippone, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (2), 2010
The effect of ageing on exciton dynamics, charge separation, and recombination in P3HT/PCBM photovoltaic blends
F Deschler, A De Sio, E Von Hauff, P Kutka, T Sauermann, HJ Egelhaaf, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 22 (7), 1461-1469, 2012
ITO-free inverted polymer solar cells with ZnO: Al cathodes and stable top anodes
A De Sio, K Chakanga, O Sergeev, K Von Maydell, J Parisi, E Von Hauff
Solar energy materials and solar cells 98, 52-56, 2012
論文 1–20