Gengchen Liu
Gengchen Liu
Huawei Technologies
確認したメール アドレス: cmich.edu - ホームページ
A wearable conductivity sensor for wireless real-time sweat monitoring
G Liu, C Ho, N Slappey, Z Zhou, SE Snelgrove, M Brown, A Grabinski, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 227, 35-42, 2016
Wearable sweat sensors: background and current trends
T Kaya, G Liu, J Ho, K Yelamarthi, K Miller, J Edwards, A Stannard
Electroanalysis 31 (3), 411-421, 2019
Experimental demonstration of machine-learning-aided QoT estimation in multi-domain elastic optical networks with alien wavelengths
R Proietti, X Chen, K Zhang, G Liu, M Shamsabardeh, A Castro, L Velasco, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 11 (1), A1-A10, 2019
Blind modulation format identification using nonlinear power transformation
G Liu, R Proietti, K Zhang, H Lu, SJ Ben Yoo
Optics express 25 (25), 30895-30904, 2017
Meeting the requirements to deploy cloud RAN over optical networks
L Velasco, A Castro, A Asensio, M Ruiz, G Liu, C Qin, R Proietti, SJB Yoo
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 9 (3), B22-B32, 2017
A portable optical human sweat sensor
M Al-omari, G Liu, A Mueller, A Mock, RN Ghosh, K Smith, T Kaya
Journal of applied physics 116 (18), 2014
Real-time sweat analysis via alternating current conductivity of artificial and human sweat
G Liu, M Alomari, B Sahin, SE Snelgrove, J Edwards, A Mellinger, T Kaya
Applied Physics Letters 106 (13), 2015
Experimental demonstration of a 64-port wavelength routing thin-CLOS system for data center switching architectures
R Proietti, X Xiao, K Zhang, G Liu, H Lu, P Fotouhi, J Messig, SJB Yoo
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 10 (7), B49-B57, 2018
Multi-FSR silicon photonic Flex-LIONS module for bandwidth-reconfigurable all-to-all optical interconnects
X Xiao, R Proietti, G Liu, H Lu, Y Zhang, SJB Yoo
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (12), 3200-3208, 2020
Silicon photonic Flex-LIONS for bandwidth-reconfigurable optical interconnects
X Xiao, R Proietti, G Liu, H Lu, P Fotouhi, S Werner, Y Zhang, SJB Yoo
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26 (2), 1-10, 2019
Experimental demonstration of cognitive provisioning and alien wavelength monitoring in multi-domain EON
R Proietti, X Chen, A Castro, G Liu, H Lu, K Zhang, J Guo, Z Zhu, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, W4F. 7, 2018
Architecture and performance studies of 3D-Hyper-FleX-LION for reconfigurable all-to-all HPC networks
G Liu, R Proietti, M Fariborz, P Fotouhi, X Xiao, SJB Yoo
SC20: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2020
Hierarchical learning for cognitive end-to-end service provisioning in multi-domain autonomous optical networks
G Liu, K Zhang, X Chen, H Lu, J Guo, J Yin, R Proietti, Z Zhu, SJB Yoo
Journal of Lightwave Technology 37 (1), 218-225, 2019
The first testbed demonstration of cognitive end-to-end optical service provisioning with hierarchical learning across multiple autonomous systems
G Liu, K Zhang, X Chen, H Lu, J Guo, J Yin, R Proietti, Z Zhu, SJB Yoo
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th4D. 7, 2018
100G fine-granularity flexible-rate passive optical networks based on discrete multi-tone with PAPR optimization
J Zhou, J He, X Lu, G Wang, Y Bo, G Liu, Y Huang, L Li, C Yang, H Wang, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 14 (11), 944-950, 2022
Implementation of a microfluidic conductivity sensor—A potential sweat electrolyte sensing system for dehydration detection
G Liu, K Smith, T Kaya
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
Bit-parallel all-to-all and flexible AWGR-based optical interconnects
P Grani, G Liu, R Proietti, SJB Yoo
2017 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), 1-3, 2017
Demonstration of a carrier frequency offset estimator for 16-/32-QAM coherent receivers: A hardware perspective
G Liu, K Zhang, R Zhang, R Proietti, H Lu, SJ Ben Yoo
Optics Express 26 (4), 4853-4862, 2018
First 100Gb/s fine-granularity flexible-rate PON based on discrete multi-tone and PAPR optimization
J Zhou, J He, X Lu, G Wang, Y Bo, G Liu, Y Huang, L Li, H Wang, W Mo, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th2A. 23, 2022
Clipping discrete multi-tone for peak-power-constraint IM/DD optical systems
J Zhou, L Li, J He, X Lu, Y Bo, G Wang, Y Huang, G Liu, Y Lu, S Gao, ...
Science China Information Sciences 66 (5), 152302, 2023
論文 1–20