Zhe-Sheng Chen
Zhe-Sheng Chen
Professor of Pharmacology, St. John's University
確認したメール アドレス: stjohns.edu
Microbiota in health and diseases
K Hou, ZX Wu, XY Chen, JQ Wang, D Zhang, C Xiao, D Zhu, JB Koya, ...
Signal transduction and targeted therapy 7 (1), 135, 2022
Biosynthesis of nanoparticles by microorganisms and their applications
X Li, H Xu, ZS Chen, G Chen
Journal of nanomaterials 2011 (1), 270974, 2011
Silver nanoparticles: synthesis, properties, and therapeutic applications
L Wei, J Lu, H Xu, A Patel, ZS Chen, G Chen
Drug discovery today 20 (5), 595-601, 2015
The development of anticancer ruthenium (II) complexes: from single molecule compounds to nanomaterials
L Zeng, P Gupta, Y Chen, E Wang, L Ji, H Chao, ZS Chen
Chemical Society Reviews 46 (19), 5771-5804, 2017
The modulation of ABC transporter-mediated multidrug resistance in cancer: a review of the past decade
RJ Kathawala, P Gupta, CR Ashby Jr, ZS Chen
Drug resistance updates 18, 1-17, 2015
Autophagy and multidrug resistance in cancer
YJ Li, YH Lei, N Yao, CR Wang, N Hu, WC Ye, DM Zhang, ZS Chen
Chinese journal of cancer 36, 1-10, 2017
Overcoming ABC transporter-mediated multidrug resistance: Molecular mechanisms and novel therapeutic drug strategies
W Li, H Zhang, YG Assaraf, K Zhao, X Xu, J Xie, DH Yang, ZS Chen
Drug Resistance Updates 27, 14-29, 2016
Modulating ROS to overcome multidrug resistance in cancer
Q Cui, JQ Wang, YG Assaraf, L Ren, P Gupta, L Wei, CR Ashby Jr, ...
Drug Resistance Updates 41, 1-25, 2018
Transport of cyclic nucleotides and estradiol 17-β-D-glucuronide by multidrug resistance protein 4
ZS Chen, K Lee, GD Kruh
Journal of Biological Chemistry 276 (36), 33747-33754, 2001
Copper-transporting P-type adenosine triphosphatase (ATP7B) is associated with cisplatin resistance
M Komatsu, T Sumizawa, M Mutoh, ZS Chen, K Terada, T Furukawa, ...
Cancer research 60 (5), 1312-1316, 2000
Lapatinib (Tykerb, GW572016) reverses multidrug resistance in cancer cells by inhibiting the activity of ATP-binding cassette subfamily B member 1 and G member 2
C Dai, AK Tiwari, CP Wu, X Su, SR Wang, D Liu, CR Ashby Jr, Y Huang, ...
Cancer research 68 (19), 7905-7914, 2008
BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic myeloid leukemia: a review
X An, AK Tiwari, Y Sun, PR Ding, CR Ashby Jr, ZS Chen
Leukemia research 34 (10), 1255-1268, 2010
Analysis of Methotrexate and Folate Transport by Multidrug Resistance Protein 4 (ABCC4) MRP4 Is a Component of the Methotrexate Efflux System
ZS Chen, K Lee, S Walther, RB Raftogianis, M Kuwano, H Zeng, GD Kruh
Cancer research 62 (11), 3144-3150, 2002
Transport of Methotrexate, Methotrexate Polyglutamates, and 17β-Estradiol 17-(β-d-glucuronide) by ABCG2: Effects of Acquired Mutations at R482 on Methotrexate …
ZS Chen, RW Robey, MG Belinsky, I Shchaveleva, XQ Ren, Y Sugimoto, ...
Cancer research 63 (14), 4048-4054, 2003
Apatinib (YN968D1) reverses multidrug resistance by inhibiting the efflux function of multiple ATP-binding cassette transporters
Y Mi, Y Liang, H Huang, H Zhao, CP Wu, F Wang, L Tao, C Zhang, CL Dai, ...
Cancer research 70 (20), 7981-7991, 2010
Transport of methotrexate (MTX) and folates by multidrug resistance protein (MRP) 3 and MRP1: effect of polyglutamylation on MTX transport
H Zeng, ZS Chen, MG Belinsky, PA Rea, GD Kruh
Cancer research 61 (19), 7225-7232, 2001
Erlotinib (Tarceva, OSI-774) antagonizes ATP-binding cassette subfamily B member 1 and ATP-binding cassette subfamily G member 2–mediated drug resistance
Z Shi, XX Peng, IW Kim, S Shukla, QS Si, RW Robey, SE Bates, T Shen, ...
Cancer research 67 (22), 11012-11020, 2007
Characterization of the drug resistance and transport properties of multidrug resistance protein 6 (MRP6, ABCC6)
MG Belinsky, ZS Chen, I Shchaveleva, H Zeng, GD Kruh
Cancer research 62 (21), 6172-6177, 2002
Multidrug resistance associated proteins in multidrug resistance
K Sodani, A Patel, RJ Kathawala, ZS Chen
Chinese journal of cancer 31 (2), 58, 2012
Multidrug resistance proteins (MRPs/ABCCs) in cancer chemotherapy and genetic diseases
ZS Chen, AK Tiwari
The FEBS journal 278 (18), 3226-3245, 2011
論文 1–20