Alain Clémence
Alain Clémence
確認したメール アドレス: unil.ch
Représentations sociales et analyses de données
W Doise, A Clémence, F Lorenzi-Cioldi, P Bourdieu
(No Title), 1992
The quantitative analysis of social representations
W Doise, A Clemence, F Lorenzi-Cioldi
Human rights studied as social representations in a cross‐national context
W Doise, D Spini, A Clémence
European journal of social psychology 29 (1), 1-29, 1999
Trust in medical organizations predicts pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccination behavior and perceived efficacy of protection measures in the Swiss public
I Gilles, A Bangerter, A Clémence, EGT Green, F Krings, C Staerklé, ...
European journal of epidemiology 26, 203-210, 2011
Social positioning and social representations.
A Clémence
Blackwell Publishing, 2001
Representaciones sociales y análisis de datos
W Doise, A Clémence, F Lorenzi-Cioldi, pierre Bourdieu, JI Flores
Instituto Mora, 2005
Lay perceptions of collectives at the outbreak of the H1N1 epidemic: heroes, villains and victims
P Wagner-Egger, A Bangerter, I Gilles, E Green, D Rigaud, F Krings, ...
Public understanding of science 20 (4), 461-476, 2011
Prises de position et principes organisateurs des représentations sociales
A Clémence, W Doise, F Lorenzi-Cioldi
Structures et transformations des représentations sociales, 1994
L'explication quotidienne. Perspectives psychosociologiques
JC Deschamps, A Clémence
DelVal, 1987
I want to quit education: A longitudinal study of stress and optimism as predictors of school dropout intention
V Eicher, C Staerklé, A Clémence
Journal of adolescence 37 (7), 1021-1030, 2014
Group processes and the construction of social representations.
F Lorenzi-Cioldi, A Clémence
Blackwell Publishing, 2004
Longitudinal investigation of public trust in institutions relative to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic in Switzerland
A Bangerter, F Krings, A Mouton, I Gilles, EGT Green, A Clemence
PLoS one 7 (11), e49806, 2012
Social representations: A normative and dynamic intergroup approach
C Staerklé, A Clémence, D Spini
Political Psychology 32 (5), 759-768, 2011
Keeping the vermin out: Perceived disease threat and ideological orientations as predictors of exclusionary immigration attitudes
EGT Green, F Krings, C Staerklé, A Bangerter, A Clémence, ...
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 20 (4), 299-316, 2010
La représentation sociale des droits de l'homme: Une recherche internationale sur l'étendue et les limites de l'universalité
A Clémence, W Doise, AS De Rosa, L Gonzalez
International journal of psychology 30 (2), 181-212, 1995
Representation of human rights across different national contexts: the role of democratic and non‐democratic populations and governments
C Staerklé, A Clémence, W Doise
European Journal of Social Psychology 28 (2), 207-226, 1998
Collective symbolic coping with disease threat and othering: A case study of avian influenza
I Gilles, A Bangerter, A Clémence, EGT Green, F Krings, A Mouton, ...
British Journal of Social Psychology 52 (1), 83-102, 2013
Dynamic social representations of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic: Shifting patterns of sense-making and blame
E Mayor, V Eicher, A Bangerter, I Gilles, A Clémence, EGT Green
Public understanding of science 22 (8), 1011-1024, 2013
Opposition to antiracism laws across Swiss municipalities: A multilevel analysis
O Sarrasin, EGT Green, N Fasel, O Christ, C Staerklé, A Clémence
Political Psychology 33 (5), 659-681, 2012
Human rights and Genevan youth: A developmental study of social representations
W Doise, C Staerklé, A Clémence, F Savory
Swiss Journal of Psychology 57 (2), 86-100, 1998
論文 1–20