Anique BH de Bruin
Anique BH de Bruin
Professor Self-Regulation in Higher Education, SHE, FHML, Maastricht University
確認したメール アドレス: maastrichtuniversity.nl
Generating keywords improves metacomprehension and self-regulation in elementary and middle school children
ABH De Bruin, KW Thiede, G Camp, J Redford
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 109 (3), 294-310, 2011
Improving self-monitoring and self-regulation: From cognitive psychology to the classroom
ABH De Bruin, T van Gog
Learning and Instruction 22 (4), 245-252, 2012
Changes and adaptations: How university students self-regulate their online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
F Biwer, W Wiradhany, M Oude Egbrink, H Hospers, S Wasenitz, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 642593, 2021
Fostering effective learning strategies in higher education–a mixed-methods study
F Biwer, MGA oude Egbrink, P Aalten, ABH de Bruin
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 9 (2), 186-203, 2020
Granularity matters: comparing different ways of measuring self-regulated learning
SFE Rovers, G Clarebout, HHCM Savelberg, ABH De Bruin, ...
Metacognition and Learning 14, 1-19, 2019
The role of basic science knowledge and clinical knowledge in diagnostic reasoning: a structural equation modeling approach
ABH De Bruin, HG Schmidt, RMJP Rikers
Academic Medicine 80 (8), 765-773, 2005
Bridging cognitive load and self-regulated learning research: A complementary approach to contemporary issues in educational research
ABH de Bruin, JJG van Merriënboer
Learning and Instruction 51, 1-9, 2017
Activation of inaccurate prior knowledge affects primary-school students’ metacognitive judgments and calibration
MH van Loon, ABH de Bruin, T van Gog, JJG van Merriënboer
Learning and Instruction 24, 15-25, 2013
Students’ perceptions of anatomy across the undergraduate problem-based learning medical curriculum: a phenomenographical study
EM Bergman, ABH De Bruin, A Herrler, IWH Verheijen, AJJA Scherpbier, ...
BMC medical education 13, 1-11, 2013
Synthesizing cognitive load and self-regulation theory: A theoretical framework and research agenda
ABH De Bruin, J Roelle, SK Carpenter, M Baars, Efg-Mre
Educational Psychology Review 32 (4), 903-915, 2020
Effects of training self-assessment and using assessment standards on retrospective and prospective monitoring of problem solving
M Baars, S Vink, T van Gog, A de Bruin, F Paas
Learning and Instruction 33, 92-107, 2014
Monitoring and regulation of learning in medical education: the need for predictive cues
ABH de Bruin, J Dunlosky, RB Cavalcanti
Medical Education 51 (6), 575-584, 2017
Systematic viewing in radiology: seeing more, missing less?
EM Kok, H Jarodzka, ABH de Bruin, HAN BinAmir, SGF Robben, ...
Advances in Health Sciences Education 21, 189-205, 2016
Comfort with uncertainty: reframing our conceptions of how clinicians navigate complex clinical situations
JS Ilgen, KW Eva, A de Bruin, DA Cook, G Regehr
Advances in Health Sciences Education 24 (4), 797-809, 2019
Deliberate practice predicts performance over time in adolescent chess players and drop‐outs: A linear mixed models analysis
ABH De Bruin, N Smits, RMJP Rikers, HG Schmidt
British Journal of Psychology 99 (4), 473-497, 2008
Undergraduate radiology education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a review of teaching and learning strategies
KE Darras, RJ Spouge, ABH de Bruin, A Sedlic, C Hague, BB Forster
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 72 (2), 194-200, 2021
Perceptual simulation in developing language comprehension
JAA Engelen, S Bouwmeester, ABH de Bruin, RA Zwaan
Journal of experimental child psychology 110 (4), 659-675, 2011
Influences on anatomical knowledge: The complete arguments
EM Bergman, IWH Verheijen, AJJA Scherpbier, CPM Van der Vleuten, ...
Clinical Anatomy 27 (3), 296-303, 2014
Checklists improve experts’ diagnostic decisions
M Sibbald, ABH de Bruin, JJG van Merrienboer
Medical education 47 (3), 301-308, 2013
Constructive, collaborative, contextual, and self‐directed learning in surface anatomy education
EM Bergman, JM Sieben, I Smailbegovic, ABH de Bruin, AJJA Scherpbier, ...
Anatomical Sciences Education, 2012
論文 1–20