Boris Salak
Patterns of acceptance and non-acceptance within energy landscapes: A case study on wind energy expansion in Austria
P Scherhaufer, S Höltinger, B Salak, T Schauppenlehner, J Schmidt
Energy Policy 109, 863-870, 2017
Austria's wind energy potential–A participatory modeling approach to assess socio-political and market acceptance
S Höltinger, B Salak, T Schauppenlehner, P Scherhaufer, J Schmidt
Energy Policy 98, 49-61, 2016
A participatory integrated assessment of the social acceptance of wind energy
P Scherhaufer, S Höltinger, B Salak, T Schauppenlehner, J Schmidt
Energy research & social science 45, 164-172, 2018
How landscape-technology fit affects public evaluations of renewable energy infrastructure scenarios. A hybrid choice model
B Salak, K Lindberg, F Kienast, M Hunziker
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 143 (110896), 10.1016, 2021
Physiological and behavioral reactions to renewable energy systems in various landscape types
R Spielhofer, T Thrash, UW Hayek, A Grêt-Regamey, B Salak, J Grübel, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135, 110410, 2021
Energetic tourism: exploring the experience quality of renewable energies as a new sustainable tourism market
A Jiricka, B Salak, R Eder, A Arnberger, U Pröbstl
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 139 (4), 55-68, 2010
Do protected areas contribute to health and well-being? A cross-cultural comparison
A Jiricka-Pürrer, V Tadini, B Salak, K Taczanowska, A Tucki, G Senes
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (7), 1172, 2019
Impact on the perceived landscape quality through renewable energy infrastructure. A discrete choice experiment in the context of the Swiss energy transition
B Salak, F Kienast, R Olschewski, R Spielhofer, UW Hayek, ...
Renewable Energy 193, 299-308, 2022
Das Verhältnis der Schweizer Bevölkerung zum Wald: Waldmonitoring soziokulturell WaMos3 Ergebnisse der nationalen Umfrage
KT Hegetschweiler, B Salak, AC Wunderlich, N Bauer, M Hunziker
Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL, 2022
Hybrid choice model dataset of a representative Swiss online panel survey on peoples’ preferences related to mixed renewable energy scenarios in landscapes and the effect of …
B Salak, K Lindberg, F Kienast, M Hunziker
Data in Brief 36, 107025, 2021
Creating a powerful niche product–ways to successful branding of „Energy-Tourism “
A Jiricka, V Wirth, B Salak, U Pröbstl
New Challenges for Tourism Promotion: Tackling High Competition and …, 2012
Shifting from techno-economic to socio-ecological priorities: Incorporating landscape preferences and ecosystem services into the siting of renewable energy infrastructure
B Salak, M Hunziker, A Grêt-Regamey, R Spielhofer, U Wissen Hayek, ...
Plos one 19 (4), e0298430, 2024
The woods are calling: Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf die Schweizer Waldbesuche
AC Wunderlich, B Salak, T Hegetschweiler, N Bauer, M Hunziker
Erholsame Landschaft, 49, 2021
VV-TOMM: Capacity building in remote tourism territories through the first European transnational application of the tourism optimization management model
A Jiricka, B Salak, A Arnberger, R Eder, U Pröbstl-Haider
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 187, 2014
Impacts of rising COVID-19 incidence and changed working conditions on forest visits in early 2020 of the pandemic: Evidence from Switzerland
AC Wunderlich, B Salak, KT Hegetschweiler, N Bauer, M Hunziker
Forest Policy and Economics 153, 102978, 2023
steuerBAR? Wo wollen wir “Energielandschaften” und wo nicht
B Salak, F Kienast, R Olschewski, R Spielhofer, U Wissen, ...
Schweiz erneuerbar, 15-22, 2019
ENERGYSCAPE–Recommendations for a Landscape Strategy for Renewable Energy Systems
U Wissen Hayek, R Spielhofer, B Salak, M Hunziker, F Kienast, T Thrash, ...
ETH Zurich, 2019
How the COVID-19 pandemic changed forest visits in Switzerland: Is there a back to normal?
AC Wunderlich, B Salak, KT Hegetschweiler, N Bauer, M Hunziker
Landscape and Urban Planning 249, 105126, 2024
The transition of the Austrian energy system to a high penetration of wind energy-a participatory integrated assessment of the social acceptance: final activity report
P Scherhaufer, S Höltinger, B Salak, T Schauppenlehner, J Schmidt
AUT, 2016
Grundlage für ein nachhaltiges Schutzgebietsmanagement im Rahmen der EMAS II-Verordnung, illustriert am Beispiel des Nationalparks Gesäuse
B Salak
na, 2008
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