Grant B. Weller
Grant B. Weller
確認したメール アドレス: cmu.edu
Leveraging electronic health records for predictive modeling of post-surgical complications
GB Weller, J Lovely, DW Larson, BA Earnshaw, M Huebner
Statistical methods in medical research 27 (11), 3271-3285, 2018
An investigation of the pineapple express phenomenon via bivariate extreme value theory
GB Weller, DS Cooley, SR Sain
Environmetrics 23 (5), 420-439, 2012
Two case studies on NARCCAP precipitation extremes
GB Weller, D Cooley, SR Sain, MS Bukovsky, LO Mearns
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (18), 10,475-10,489, 2013
A sum characterization of hidden regular variation with likelihood inference via expectation-maximization
GB Weller, D Cooley
Biometrika 101 (1), 17-36, 2014
A preferential attachment model for the stellar initial mass function
J Cisewski-Kehe, G Weller, C Schafer
Multivariate order statistics: Theory and application
GB Weller, WF Eddy
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application 2 (1), 237-257, 2015
An alternative characterization of hidden regular variation in joint tail modeling
GB Weller, DS Cooley
Technical report, Colorado State University Department of Statistics, 2012
Bivariate tail risk analysis for high-frequency returns via extreme value theory
M Tang, GB Weller
Model Assisted Statistics and Applications 12 (1), 1-14, 2017
Modeling multivariate extremes via regular variation: an application to high-frequency financial returns
G Weller
Inference for Hidden Regular Variation in Multivariate Extremes
G Weller
Investigating NARCCAP Precipitation Extremes via Bivariate Extreme Value Theory
GB Weller, DS Cooley, SR Sain, MS Bukovsky, LO Mearns
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, H43N-02, 2013
Joint tail modeling via regular variation with applications in climate and environmental studies
GB Weller
Colorado State University, 2013
Modeling the Pineapple Express phenomenon via Multivariate Extreme Value Theory
G Weller, DS Cooley
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, GC21A-0857, 2011
Tales of Tail Dependence* OR* Destruction, Mayhem, and Disaster Dan Cooley
G Weller, B Russell
Bivariate Extreme Value Analyses of NARCCAP Precipitation Extremes
GB Weller
Bivariate extreme value analyses of NARCCAP precipitation extremes …, 0
Hidden Regular Variation in Joint Tail Modeling with Likelihood Inference via the MCEM Algorithm
D Cooley, G Weller
Applications of Tail Dependence II: Investigating the Pineapple Express
D Cooley, G Weller
AnInvestigationofthePineappleExpressPhenomenon viaBivariateExtremeValueTheory
GB Weller, DS Cooley, SR Sain
論文 1–18