Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antimycobacterial activities of the essential oil of Psidium guineense Sw. and spathulenol KF do Nascimento, FMF Moreira, JA Santos, CAL Kassuya, JHR Croda, ... Journal of ethnopharmacology 210, 351-358, 2018 | 305 | 2018 |
Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity, Total Flavonoids, Tannins and Phenolic Compounds in Psychotria Leaf Extracts ASN Formagio, CRF Volobuff, M Santiago, CAL Cardoso, MDC Vieira, ... Antioxidants 3 (4), 745-757, 2014 | 216 | 2014 |
Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis activity of viridiflorol: The major constituent of Allophylus edulis (A. St.-Hil., A. Juss. & Cambess.) Radlk. LNF Trevizan, KF do Nascimento, JA Santos, CAL Kassuya, CAL Cardoso, ... Journal of ethnopharmacology 192, 510-515, 2016 | 121 | 2016 |
Phenolic compounds of Hibiscus sabdariffa and influence of organic residues on its antioxidant and antitumoral properties ASN Formagio, DD Ramos, MC Vieira, SR Ramalho, MM Silva, ... Brazilian Journal of Biology 75 (1), 69-76, 2015 | 110 | 2015 |
Modelagem matemática e difusividade efetiva de folhas de aroeira durante a secagem ALD Goneli, MC Vieira, HCB Vilhasanti, AA Gonçalves Pesquisa agropecuária tropical 44, 56-64, 2014 | 104 | 2014 |
Synthesis, antiproliferative activity and molecular properties predictions of galloyl derivatives M Maximo da Silva, M Comin, T Santos Duarte, MA Foglio, ... Molecules 20 (4), 5360-5373, 2015 | 92 | 2015 |
In vitro biological screening of the anticholinesterase and antiproliferative activities of medicinal plants belonging to Annonaceae ASN Formagio, MC Vieira, CRF Volobuff, MS Silva, AI Matos, ... Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 48 (4), 308-315, 2015 | 89 | 2015 |
Levantamento etnobotânico e caracterização de plantas medicinais em fragmentos florestais de Dourados-MS EO Alves, JH Mota, TS Soares, MC Vieira, CB Silva Ciência e Agrotecnologia 32, 651-658, 2008 | 86 | 2008 |
Produção de biomassa e de óleo essencial dos capítulos florais da camomila em função de nitrogênio e fósforo NC Mapeli, MC Vieira, NA Heredia Z, JM Siqueira Horticultura Brasileira 23, 32-37, 2005 | 76 | 2005 |
Baccharis trimera: effect on hematological and biochemical parameters and hepatorenal evaluation in pregnant rats SRM Grance, MA Teixeira, RS Leite, EB Guimarães, JM de Siqueira, ... Journal of Ethnopharmacology 117 (1), 28-33, 2008 | 74 | 2008 |
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil of Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg (Guavira) ID Coutinho, CAL Cardoso, N Ré-Poppi, AM Melo, MC Vieira, NK Honda, ... Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 45, 767-776, 2009 | 67 | 2009 |
Chemical composition and free radical-scavenging, anticancer and anti-inflammatory activities of the essential oil from Ocimum kilimandscharicum VT De Lima, MC Vieira, CAL Kassuya, CAL Cardoso, JM Alves, MA Foglio, ... Phytomedicine 21 (11), 1298-1302, 2014 | 66 | 2014 |
Contents of constituents and antioxidant activity of seed and pulp extracts of Annona coriacea and Annona sylvatica RSR Benites, ASN Formagio, EJS Argandoña, CRF Volobuff, ... Brazilian Journal of Biology 75, 685-691, 2015 | 64 | 2015 |
Antigenotoxic and antimutagenic effects of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi in Allium cepa and Swiss mice: a comparative study LES Fedel-Miyasato, ASN Formagio, SA Auharek, CAL Kassuya, ... Genetics and Molecular Research 13 (2), 3411-3425, 2014 | 63 | 2014 |
Produção e renda bruta de cebolinha e de salsa em cultivo solteiro e consorciado NA Heredia Z, MC Vieira, M Weismann, ALF Lourenção Horticultura Brasileira 21, 574-577, 2003 | 63 | 2003 |
Schinus terebinthifolius: phenolic constituents and in vitro antioxidant, antiproliferative and in vivo anti-inflammatory activities MM Silva, EKK Iriguchi, CAL Kassuya, MC Vieira, MA Foglio, JE Carvalho, ... Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 27 (4), 445-452, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Atividade antioxidante de Hibiscus sabdariffa L. em função do espaçamento entre plantas e da adubação orgânica DD Ramos, MC Vieira, ASN Formagio, CAL Cardoso, DD Ramos, ... Ciência rural 41, 1331-1336, 2011 | 55 | 2011 |
Antimicrobial Activity of the Extracts and Fractions of Hexanic Fruits of Campomanesia Species (Myrtaceae) CAL Cardoso, GR Salmazzo, NK Honda, CB Prates, MC Vieira, ... Journal of Medicinal Food 13 (5), 1273-1276, 2010 | 53 | 2010 |
Microbiological quality, chemical profile as well as antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi PS da Rocha, AP de Araujo Boleti, M do Carmo Vieira, CA Carollo, ... Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2019 | 52 | 2019 |
Antioxidant and Protective Effects of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi Against Doxorubicin-Induced Toxicity PS Rocha, JF Campos, V Nunes-Souza, MC Vieira, APA Boleti, ... Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 184, 869-884, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |