Hamid Gholami
Hamid Gholami
確認したメール アドレス: hormozgan.ac.ir - ホームページ
Sediment source fingerprinting: benchmarking recent outputs, remaining challenges and emerging themes
AL Collins, M Blackwell, P Boeckx, CA Chivers, M Emelko, O Evrard, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 20, 4160-4193, 2020
Spatial mapping of the provenance of storm dust: Application of data mining and ensemble modelling
H Gholami, A Mohamadifar, AL Collins
Atmospheric Research 233, 104716, 2020
Machine-learning algorithms for predicting land susceptibility to dust emissions: The case of the Jazmurian Basin, Iran
H Gholami, A Mohamadifar, A Sorooshian, JD Jansen
Atmospheric pollution research 11 (8), 1303-1315, 2020
Mapping the spatial sources of atmospheric dust using GLUE and Monte Carlo simulation
H Gholami, S Rahimi, A Fathabadi, S Habibi, AL Collins
Science of the Total Environment 723, 138090, 2020
Mapping wind erosion hazard with regression-based machine learning algorithms
H Gholami, A Mohamadifar, D Tien Bui, A Collins
Scientific Reports, 2020
Assessment of the interpretability of data mining for the spatial modelling of water erosion using game theory
A Mohammadifar, H Gholami, JR Comino, AL Collins
Catena 200, 105178, 2021
Aeolian sediment fingerprinting using a Bayesian mixing model
H Gholami, M Telfer, W Blake, A Fathabadi
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2017
Spatio-temporal distribution of Quaternary loess across Central Asia
Y Song, Y Li, L Cheng, X Zong, S Kang, A Ghafarpour, X Li, H Sun, X Fu, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 567, 110279, 2021
Desertification of Iran in the early twenty-first century: assessment using climate and vegetation indices
H Eskandari Dameneh, H Gholami, MW Telfer, JR Comino, AL Collins, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 20548, 2021
Using GLUE to pull apart the provenance of atmospheric dust
AF Reza Dahmardeh Behrooz, Hamid Gholami, Matt W. Telfer, John D. Jansen
Aeolian Research, 2019
Using the Boruta algorithm and deep learning models for mapping land susceptibility to atmospheric dust emissions in Iran
H Gholami, A Mohammadifar, S Golzari, DG Kaskaoutis, AL Collins
Aeolian Research 50, 100682, 2021
Source fingerprinting loess deposits in Central Asia using elemental geochemistry with Bayesian and GLUE models
Y Li, H Gholami, Y Song, A Fathabadi, H Malakooti, AL Collins
Catena 194, 104808, 2020
Improving water management in date palms using economic value of water footprint and virtual water trade concepts in Iran
O Bazrafshan, H Zamani, HR Etedali, ZG Moshizi, M Shamili, ...
Agricultural Water Management 229, 105941, 2020
Integrated modelling for mapping spatial sources of dust in central Asia-An important dust source in the global atmospheric system
H Gholami, A Mohammadifar, H Malakooti, Y Esmaeilpour, S Golzari, ...
Atmospheric Pollution Research 12 (9), 101173, 2021
Interpretability of simple RNN and GRU deep learning models used to map land susceptibility to gully erosion
H Gholami, A Mohamadifar, S Golzari, Y Song, B Pradhan
Science of The Total Environment, 2023
Monte Carlo fingerprinting of the terrestrial sources of different particle size fractions of coastal sediment deposits using geochemical tracers: some lessons for the user …
H Gholami, E Jafari TakhtiNajad, AL Collins, A Fathabadi
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26 (13), 13560-13579, 2019
Detection and prediction of lake degradation using landscape metrics and remote sensing dataset
A Azareh, ER Sardooi, H Gholami, A Mosavi, A Shahdadi, S Barkhori
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28, 27283-27298, 2021
Fingerprinting sources of reservoir sediment via two modelling approaches
S Habibi, H Gholami, A Fathabadi, JD Jansen
Science of the Total Environment 663, 78-96, 2019
Predicting of dust storm source by combining remote sensing, statistic-based predictive models and game theory in the Sistan watershed, southwestern Asia
M Boroughani, S Pourhashemi, H Gholami, DG Kaskaoutis
Journal of Arid Land 13 (11), 1103-1121, 2021
A new integrated data mining model to map spatial variation in the susceptibility of land to act as a source of aeolian dust
H Gholami, A Mohammadifar, HR Pourghasemi, AL Collins
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 42022-42039, 2020
論文 1–20