Yuji Nakatsukasa
Yuji Nakatsukasa
確認したメール アドレス: maths.ox.ac.uk
The AAA algorithm for rational approximation
Y Nakatsukasa, O Sète, LN Trefethen
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (3), A1494-A1522, 2018
Stable and efficient spectral divide and conquer algorithms for the symmetric eigenvalue decomposition and the SVD
Y Nakatsukasa, NJ Higham
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 35 (3), A1325-A1349, 2013
Solving the trust-region subproblem by a generalized eigenvalue problem
S Adachi, S Iwata, Y Nakatsukasa, A Takeda
SIAM Journal on Optimization 27 (1), 269-291, 2017
Rational neural networks
N Boullé, Y Nakatsukasa, A Townsend
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 14243-14253, 2020
Optimizing Halley's iteration for computing the matrix polar decomposition
Y Nakatsukasa, Z Bai, F Gygi
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 31 (5), 2700-2720, 2010
Rational minimax approximation via adaptive barycentric representations
SI Filip, Y Nakatsukasa, LN Trefethen, B Beckermann
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (4), A2427-A2455, 2018
Computing fundamental matrix decompositions accurately via the matrix sign function in two iterations: The power of Zolotarev's functions
Y Nakatsukasa, RW Freund
siam REVIEW 58 (3), 461-493, 2016
Vandermonde with arnoldi
PD Brubeck, Y Nakatsukasa, LN Trefethen
Siam Review 63 (2), 405-415, 2021
Classification of chaotic time series with deep learning
N Boullé, V Dallas, Y Nakatsukasa, D Samaddar
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 403, 132261, 2020
Roundoff error analysis of the CholeskyQR2 algorithm
Y Yamamoto, Y Nakatsukasa, Y Yanagisawa, T Fukaya
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal 44 (01), 306-326, 2015
Fast and stable randomized low-rank matrix approximation
Y Nakatsukasa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.11392, 2020
A theory of quantum subspace diagonalization
EN Epperly, L Lin, Y Nakatsukasa
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 43 (3), 1263-1290, 2022
Shifted Cholesky QR for computing the QR factorization of ill-conditioned matrices
T Fukaya, R Kannan, Y Nakatsukasa, Y Yamamoto, Y Yanagisawa
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (1), A477-A503, 2020
CholeskyQR2: a simple and communication-avoiding algorithm for computing a tall-skinny QR factorization on a large-scale parallel system
T Fukaya, Y Nakatsukasa, Y Yanagisawa, Y Yamamoto
2014 5th workshop on latest advances in scalable algorithms for large-scale …, 2014
Vector spaces of linearizations for matrix polynomials: a bivariate polynomial approach
Y Nakatsukasa, V Noferini, A Townsend
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 38 (1), 1-29, 2017
Fast graph sampling set selection using gershgorin disc alignment
Y Bai, F Wang, G Cheung, Y Nakatsukasa, W Gao
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 68, 2419-2434, 2020
Fast and accurate randomized algorithms for linear systems and eigenvalue problems
Y Nakatsukasa, JA Tropp
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 45 (2), 1183-1214, 2024
An algorithm for real and complex rational minimax approximation
Y Nakatsukasa, LN Trefethen
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (5), A3157-A3179, 2020
Exponential node clustering at singularities for rational approximation, quadrature, and PDEs
LN Trefethen, Y Nakatsukasa, JAC Weideman
Numerische Mathematik 147, 227-254, 2021
A logarithmic minimization property of the unitary polar factor in the spectral and Frobenius norms
P Neff, Y Nakatsukasa, A Fischle
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 35 (3), 1132-1154, 2014
論文 1–20