fabrice mantelet
fabrice mantelet
Maitre de Conférences - HDR - Laboratoire Conception de Produits et Innovation
確認したメール アドレス: ensam.eu
Avatar-mediated creativity: When embodying inventors makes engineers more creative
J Guegan, S Buisine, F Mantelet, N Maranzana, F Segonds
Computers in Human Behavior 61, 165-175, 2016
A Universalist strategy for the design of Assistive Technology
O Plos, S Buisine, A Aoussat, F Mantelet, C Dumas
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 42 (6), 533-541, 2012
Social identity cues to improve creativity and identification in face-to-face and virtual groups
J Guegan, F Segonds, J Barré, N Maranzana, F Mantelet, S Buisine
Computers in Human behavior 77, 140-147, 2017
A European emotional investigation in the field of shoe design
C Bouchard, F Mantelet, A Aoussat, C Solves, J Gonzalez, K Pearce, ...
International Journal of Product Development 7 (1-2), 3-27, 2009
Early stages of apparel design: how to define collaborative needs for PLM and fashion?
F Segonds, F Mantelet, N Maranzana, S Gaillard
International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 7 (2), 105-114, 2014
Prise en compte de la perception émotionnelle du consommateur dans le processus de conception de produits
F Mantelet
Paris, ENSAM, 2006
A customised virtual reality shopping experience framework based on consumer behaviour: 3DR3CO
A Elboudali, A Aoussat, F Mantelet, J Bethomier, F Leray
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 14 (2 …, 2020
Proposition of a PLM tool to support textile design: A case study applied to the definition of the early stages of design requirements
F Segonds, F Mantelet, J Nelson, S Gaillard
Computers in Industry 66, 21-30, 2015
Augmented design with additive manufacturing methodology: Tangible object-based method to enhance creativity in design for additive manufacturing
A Lang, F Segonds, C Jean, C Gazo, J Guegan, S Buisine, F Mantelet
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 8 (5), 281-292, 2021
Additive creativity: an innovative way to enhance manufacturing engineering education
F Mantelet, F Segonds, C Jean
International Journal of Engineering Education 34 (6), 1776-1784, 2018
A proposal for a methodology of technical creativity mixing TRIZ and additive manufacturing
A Lang, C Gazo, F Segonds, F Mantelet, C Jean, J Guegan, S Buisine
International TRIZ Future Conference, 106-116, 2019
Integration and optimization of Kansei engineering in the process of design of new products
F Mantelet, C Bouchard, A Aoussat
ADC Asian Design Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 2003
Building a design ontology based on the conjoint trends analysis
C Bouchard, F Mantelet, D Ziakovic, R Setchi, Q Tang, A Aoussat
I* prom virtual conference, 2007
Design and evaluation of inventive avatars for creativity and innovation
J Guegan, N Maranzana, J Barr
DS79: Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Design Creativity …, 2015
Trends integration in Kansei Engineering-A European approach
C Bouchard, F Mantelet, A Aoussat
International Design Congress IASDR, 2005
Encouraging innovation activity: in the specific context of small-and medium-sized retailers
A Delas, N Maranzana, F Mantelet, S Buisine
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation 3 (3-4), 211-238, 2015
Suitcase and Set of Suitcases
B Banoun, F Mantelet
US Patent App. 14/430,153, 2015
Choosing the right tools and practices to design a knowledge management system in a SME
E Tapissier, F Mantelet, A Aoussat
DS 92: Proceedings of the DESIGN 2018 15th International Design Conference …, 2018
A state of art on Kansei-engineered virtual shops: a study on the possibilities of V-commerce
A El Boudali, F Mantelet, A Aoussat, J Berthomier, F Leray
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and …, 2018
Proposal for a new usability index for product design teams and the general public
A Brandy, F Mantelet, A Aoussat, PV Pigot
DS 87-8 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering …, 2017
論文 1–20