Jie Xu
Jie Xu
Associate Professor, Southwest Medical University
確認したメール アドレス: swmu.edu.cn
Broadband one-way propagation and rainbow trapping of terahertz radiations
J Xu, S Xiao, C Wu, H Zhang, X Deng, L Shen
Optics Express 27 (8), 10659-10669, 2019
Slow wave and truly rainbow trapping in a one-way terahertz waveguide
J Xu, P He, D Feng, K Yong, L Hong, Y Shen, Y Zhou
Optics Express 29 (7), 11328-11341, 2021
Spectral Tuning, Stabilities under External Exposures, and Spontaneous Enhancement of Emission Intensity in Grown‐into‐Glass All‐Inorganic Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
F Kang, Y Du, Z Yang, P Boutinaud, M Wubs, J Xu, H Ou, D Li, K Zheng, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 17 (1), 2200166, 2023
One-way electromagnetic mode guided by the mechanism of total internal reflection
L Shen, J Xu, Y You, K Yuan, X Deng
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30 (2), 133-136, 2017
Trapping a magnetic rainbow by using a one-way magnetostatic-like mode
Q Shen, L Shen, W Min, J Xu, C Wu, X Deng, S Xiao
Optical Materials Express 9 (11), 4399-4408, 2019
One-way edge modes in a photonic crystal of semiconductor at terahertz frequencies
L He, Q Shen, J Xu, Y You, T Yu, L Shen, X Deng
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 8165, 2018
Realization of broadband truly rainbow trapping in gradient-index metamaterials
J Xu, S Xiao, P He, Y Wang, Y Shen, L Hong, Y Luo, B He
Optics Express 30 (3), 3941-3953, 2022
All‐Optical Digital Logic Based on Unidirectional Modes
J Xu, Y Luo, S Xiao, F Kang, KL Tsakmakidis
Advanced Optical Materials 11 (1), 2201836, 2023
Trapping and releasing bidirectional rainbow at terahertz frequencies
J Xu, Q Shen, K Yuan, X Deng, Y Shen, H Zhang, C Wu, S Xiao, L Shen
Optics Communications 473, 125999, 2020
Ultra-subwavelength focusing and giant magnetic-field enhancement in a low-loss one-way waveguide based on remanence
J Xu, X Deng, H Zhang, C Wu, M Wubs, S Xiao, L Shen
Journal of Optics 22 (2), 025003, 2020
Realization of tunable index-near-zero modes in nonreciprocal magneto-optical heterostructures
Y Zhou, P He, S Xiao, F Kang, L Hong, Y Shen, Y Luo, J Xu
Optics Express 30 (15), 27259-27272, 2022
Broadband energy squeezing and tunneling based on unidirectional modes
L Hong, Y Wang, Y Shen, X Deng, K Yuan, S Xiao, J Xu
Optical Materials Express 11 (9), 2975-2984, 2021
One‐step synthesis of anionic S‐substitution toward Ni2P(S) nanowires on nickel foam for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction
J Xu, T Li, L Zhang, B He, D Feng, Y Zhou
International Journal of Energy Research 45 (11), 16973-16983, 2021
Knowledge graph analysis and visualization of artificial intelligence applied in electrocardiogram
M Yang, H Zhang, W Liu, K Yong, J Xu, Y Luo, H Zhang
Frontiers in Physiology 14, 1118360, 2023
Mechanically scanned leaky-wave antenna based on a topological one-way waveguide
Q Shen, Y You, J Xu, Y Shen, X Deng, Z Wang, W Min, L Shen, S Xiao
Frontiers of Physics 15, 1-7, 2020
Tunable all-optical microwave logic gates based on nonreciprocal topologically protected edge modes
J Xu, P He, D Feng, Y Luo, S Fan, K Yong, KL Tsakmakidis
Optics Express 31 (25), 42388-42399, 2023
Tailoring Electromagnetic Responses in Terahertz Metasurface by Breaking the Structural Symmetry in T‐Shaped Resonators
C Liu, D Li, P Boutinaud, J Xu, Y Du, Y Hou, C Zhang, Q Zhou, F Kang
Advanced Photonics Research 4 (5), 2200356, 2023
Precisely tunable and predictable index-near-zero modes across continuous and broad bands
P He, Y Shen, S Xiao, L Hong, Y You, KL Tsakmakidis, Y Luo, J Xu
Applied Physics Letters 124 (16), 2024
Topological and high-performance nonreciprocal extraordinary optical transmission from a guided mode to free-space radiation
J Xu, Y Luo, K Yong, K Baskourelos, KL Tsakmakidis
Communications Physics 6 (1), 339, 2023
Robust multimode interference and conversion in topological unidirectional surface magnetoplasmons
C Liu, Z Zhao, T Guo, J Xu, X Deng, K Yuan, R Tang, KL Tsakmakidis, ...
Optics Letters 50 (4), 1253-1256, 2025
論文 1–20