Mirele Daiana Poleti
Mirele Daiana Poleti
Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - USP
確認したメール アドレス: usp.br - ホームページ
Heat shock and structural proteins associated with meat tenderness in Nellore beef cattle, a Bos indicus breed
ME Carvalho, G Gasparin, MD Poleti, AF Rosa, JCC Balieiro, CA Labate, ...
Meat science 96 (3), 1318-1324, 2014
Genomic epidemiology of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Brazil
M Giovanetti, SN Slavov, V Fonseca, E Wilkinson, H Tegally, JSL Patané, ...
Nature Microbiology 7 (9), 1490-1500, 2022
Longissimus dorsi muscle label-free quantitative proteomic reveals biological mechanisms associated with intramuscular fat deposition
MD Poleti, LCA Regitano, GHMF Souza, ASM Cesar, RC Simas, ...
Journal of proteomics 179, 30-41, 2018
Differences in the skeletal muscle transcriptome profile associated with extreme values of fatty acids content
ASM Cesar, LCA Regitano, MD Poleti, SCS Andrade, PC Tizioto, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-16, 2016
Comparative muscle transcriptome associated with carcass traits of Nellore cattle
B Silva-Vignato, LL Coutinho, ASM Cesar, MD Poleti, LCA Regitano, ...
BMC genomics 18, 1-13, 2017
Label-free quantitative proteomic analysis reveals muscle contraction and metabolism proteins linked to ultimate pH in bovine skeletal muscle
MD Poleti, CT Moncau, B Silva-Vignato, AF Rosa, AR Lobo, TR Cataldi, ...
Meat science 145, 209-219, 2018
Proteome changes of beef in Nellore cattle with different genotypes for tenderness
AF Rosa, CT Moncau, MD Poleti, LD Fonseca, JCC Balieiro, SLE Silva, ...
Meat science 138, 1-9, 2018
Identification of putative regulatory regions and transcription factors associated with intramuscular fat content traits
ASM Cesar, LCA Regitano, JM Reecy, MD Poleti, PSN Oliveira, ...
BMC genomics 19, 1-20, 2018
Gene co-expression networks associated with carcass traits reveal new pathways for muscle and fat deposition in Nelore cattle
B Silva-Vignato, LL Coutinho, MD Poleti, ASM Cesar, CT Moncau, ...
BMC genomics 20, 1-13, 2019
Integrative analysis of microRNAs and mRNAs revealed regulation of composition and metabolism in Nelore cattle
GB Oliveira, LCA Regitano, ASM Cesar, JM Reecy, KY Degaki, MD Poleti, ...
BMC genomics 19, 1-16, 2018
The application of omics in ruminant production: A review in the tropical and sub-tropical animal production context
DM Ribeiro, AAK Salama, ACM Vitor, A Argüello, CT Moncau, EM Santos, ...
Journal of proteomics 227, 103905, 2020
Nucleocapsid (N) gene mutations of SARS-CoV-2 can affect real-time RT-PCR diagnostic and impact false-negative results
JCC Lesbon, MD Poleti, EC de Mattos Oliveira, JSL Patané, LG Clemente, ...
Viruses 13 (12), 2474, 2021
MiRNAs differentially expressed in skeletal muscle of animals with divergent estimated breeding values for beef tenderness
BIG Kappeler, LCA Regitano, MD Poleti, ASM Cesar, GCM Moreira, ...
BMC molecular biology 20, 1-11, 2019
Domestic animal proteomics in the 21st century: A global retrospective and viewpoint analysis
AM Almeida, SA Ali, F Ceciliani, PD Eckersall, LE Hernández-Castellano, ...
Journal of Proteomics 241, 104220, 2021
Putative epigenetic biomarkers of stress in red blood cells of chickens reared across different biomes
F Pértille, AMG Ibelli, ME Sharif, MD Poleti, AS Fröhlich, S Rezaei, ...
Frontiers in genetics 11, 508809, 2020
Effects of increasing dietary oil inclusion from different sources on growth performance, carcass and meat quality traits, and fatty acid profile in genetically lean …
VV Almeida, JPM Silva, AP Schinckel, AN Meira, GCM Moreira, ...
Livestock Science 248, 104515, 2021
Incidence of DFD meat on Brazilian beef cuts
A Rosa, R Fonseca, JC Balieiro, MD Poleti, K Domenech-Pérez, ...
Meat Science 112, 132-133, 2016
Relationship between expression of voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) isoforms and type of hexokinase binding sites on brain mitochondria
MD Poleti, AC Tesch, CR Crepaldi, GHMF Souza, MN Eberlin, ...
Journal of molecular neuroscience 41, 48-54, 2010
Cysticercosis in experimentally and naturally infected pigs: parasitological and immunological diagnosis
MRM da Silva, CNS Uyhara, FH Silva, NM Espindola, MD Poleti, AJ Vaz, ...
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 32, 297-302, 2012
Unraveling genomic associations with feed efficiency and body weight traits in chickens through an integrative approach
GCM Moreira, MD Poleti, F Pértille, C Boschiero, ASM Cesar, TF Godoy, ...
BMC genetics 20, 1-14, 2019
論文 1–20