Márcio Gonçalves de Sousa
Márcio Gonçalves de Sousa
Chefe da Seção de Hipertensão Arterial e Nefrologia, Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia
確認したメール アドレス: dantepazzanese.org.br
Obstructive sleep apnea: the most common secondary cause of hypertension associated with resistant hypertension
RP Pedrosa, LF Drager, CC Gonzaga, MG Sousa, LKG de Paula, ...
Hypertension 58 (5), 811-817, 2011
Effects of bariatric surgery in obese patients with hypertension: the GATEWAY randomized trial (gastric bypass to treat obese patients with steady hypertension)
CA Schiavon, AC Bersch-Ferreira, EV Santucci, JD Oliveira, ...
Circulation 137 (11), 1132-1142, 2018
Three-year outcomes of bariatric surgery in patients with obesity and hypertension: a randomized clinical trial
CA Schiavon, DL Bhatt, D Ikeoka, EV Santucci, RN Santos, LP Damiani, ...
Annals of internal medicine 173 (9), 685-693, 2020
Uncontrolled hypertension, uncompensated type II diabetes, and smoking have different patterns of vascular dysfunction
JC Yugar-Toledo, JE Tanus-Santos, M Sabha, MG Sousa, M Cittadino, ...
Chest 125 (3), 823-830, 2004
Diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial e doença renal crônica: estratégias terapêuticas e suas limitações
HG Moreira, JBC Sette, LCB Keiralla, SG Alves, E Pimenta, M Sousa, ...
Rev Bras Hipertens 15 (2), 111-6, 2008
Effects of bariatric surgery versus medical therapy on the 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and the prevalence of resistant hypertension: The GATEWAY randomized clinical trial
CA Schiavon, D Ikeoka, EV Santucci, RN Santos, LP Damiani, PT Bueno, ...
Hypertension 73 (3), 571-577, 2019
First Brazilian position on resistant hypertension
RH Egan
Arq Bras Cardiol 99 (1), 576-585, 2012
Tabagismo e Hipertensão arterial: como o tabaco eleva a pressão
MG de Sousa
Rev Bras Hipertens 22 (3), 78-83, 2015
Ascorbic acid improves impaired venous and arterial endothelium‐dependent dilation in smokers
M Gonçalves de Sousa, JC YUGAR‐TOLEDO, M Rubira, ...
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 26 (4), 447-452, 2005
Hipertensão arterial no idoso: importância em se tratar
FAO Borelli, MG Sousa, O Passarelli Junior, E Pimenta, C Gonzaga, ...
Rev Bras Hipertens 15 (4), 236-239, 2008
Posicionamento brasileiro sobre hipertensão arterial resistente–2020
JC Yugar-Toledo, H Moreno, M Gus, GBA Rosito, LCN Scala, ES Muxfeldt, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 114 (3), 576-596, 2020
Effects of gastric bypass surgery in patients with hypertension: rationale and design for a randomised controlled trial (GATEWAY study)
CA Schiavon, DT Ikeoka, MG de Sousa, CRA Silva, AC Bersch-Ferreira, ...
BMJ open 4 (9), e005702, 2014
Brazilian position statement on resistant hypertension–2020
JC Yugar-Toledo, H Moreno Junior, M Gus, GBA Rosito, LCN Scala, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 114, 576-596, 2020
Randomized trial of effect of bariatric surgery on blood pressure after 5 years
CA Schiavon, AB Cavalcanti, JD Oliveira, RHV Machado, EV Santucci, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 83 (6), 637-648, 2024
Biochemical endothelial markers and cardiovascular remodeling in refractory arterial hypertension
M Cittadino, M Gonçalves de Sousa, J Carlos Yugar‐Toledo, ...
Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 25 (1), 25-33, 2003
Fisiopatologia da hipertensão sistólica isolada
CC Gonzaga, MG Sousa, C Amodeo
Rev Bras Hipertens 16 (1), 10-14, 2009
I brazilian position paper on antihypertensive drug combination
R Povoa, WS Barroso, AA Brandão, PCV Jardim, O Barroso, ...
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 102, 203-210, 2014
Renal denervation using an irrigated catheter in patients with resistant hypertension: a promising strategy?
L Armaganijan, R Staico, A Moraes, A Abizaid, D Moreira, C Amodeo, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 102, 355-363, 2014
Reliability of electrocardiographic surrogates of left ventricular mass in patients with chronic kidney disease
AC Cordeiro, B Lindholm, MG Sousa, JC Picotti, GJ Nunes, MRO Santana, ...
Journal of Hypertension 32 (2), 439-445, 2014
Departamento de Hipertensão Arterial/I Posicionamento Brasileiro Sobre Hipertensão Arterial Resistente
Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia
Rev Bras Hipertens 19 (2), 33-41, 2012
論文 1–20