andrés Monzón
andrés Monzón
確認したメール アドレス: upm.es
Smart cities concept and challenges: Bases for the assessment of smart city projects
A Monzon
2015 international conference on smart cities and green ICT systems …, 2015
Efficiency and spatial equity impacts of high-speed rail extensions in urban areas
A Monzón, E Ortega, E López
Cities 30, 18-30, 2013
Understanding cyclists’ perceptions, keys for a successful bicycle promotion
Á Fernández-Heredia, A Monzón, S Jara-Díaz
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 63, 1-11, 2014
Territorial cohesion impacts of high-speed rail at different planning levels
E Ortega, E López, A Monzón
Journal of Transport Geography 24, 130-141, 2012
Comparative analysis of passenger transport sustainability in European cities
A Alonso, A Monzón, R Cascajo
Ecological Indicators 48, 578-592, 2015
Transition to a cyclable city: Latent variables affecting bicycle commuting
B Muñoz, A Monzon, E López
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 84, 4-17, 2016
Accessibility, network efficiency, and transport infrastructure planning
J Gutiérrez, A Monzon, JM Piñero
Environment and planning A 30 (8), 1337-1350, 1998
Modelling bicycle use intention: the role of perceptions
Á Fernández-Heredia, S Jara-Díaz, A Monzón
Transportation 43 (1), 1-23, 2016
Transfer penalties in multimodal public transport networks
A Garcia-Martinez, R Cascajo, SR Jara-Diaz, S Chowdhury, A Monzon
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 114, 52-66, 2018
Evaluating the European added value of TEN-T projects: a methodological proposal based on spatial spillovers, accessibility and GIS
J Gutiérrez, A Condeço-Melhorado, E López, A Monzón
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (4), 840-850, 2011
Urban transport interchanges: A methodology for evaluating perceived quality
S Hernandez, A Monzon, R De Oña
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 84, 31-43, 2016
Evaluating sustainability and innovation of mobility patterns in Spanish cities. Analysis by size and urban typology
I Lopez-Carreiro, A Monzon
Sustainable Cities and Society 38, 684-696, 2018
Mobility restrictions and e-commerce: Holistic balance in madrid centre during COVID-19 lockdown
R Villa, A Monzón
Economies 9 (2), 57, 2021
The increasing role of latent variables in modelling bicycle mode choice
B Muñoz, A Monzon, RA Daziano
Transport Reviews 36 (6), 737-771, 2016
Key factors for defining an efficient urban transport interchange: Users' perceptions
S Hernandez, A Monzon
Cities 50, 158-167, 2016
Assessment of cross‐border spillover effects of national transport infrastructure plans: an accessibility approach
E Lopez, A Monzón, E Ortega, S Mancebo Quintana
Transport Reviews 29 (4), 515-536, 2009
Analysis of satisfaction factors at urban transport interchanges: Measuring travellers’ attitudes to information, security and waiting
D Lois, A Monzón, S Hernández
Transport policy 67, 49-56, 2018
Assessing the accessibility impact of transport policy by a land-use and transport interaction model–The case of Madrid
Y Wang, A Monzon, F Di Ciommo
Computers, environment and urban systems 49, 126-135, 2015
Integration of sustainability issues in strategic transportation planning: a multi‐criteria model for the assessment of transport infrastructure plans
E López, A Monzón
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 25 (6), 440-451, 2010
Developing Sustainable Urban Land Use and Transport Strategies-A Decision Makers' Guidebook
AD May, A Karlstrom, N Marler, B Matthews, H Minken, A Monzon, ...
Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, 2003
論文 1–20