オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - andrés Monzón詳細
一般には非公開: 6 件
Territorial cohesion impacts of high-speed rail at different planning levels
E Ortega, E López, A Monzón
Journal of Transport Geography 24, 130-141, 2012
委任: Government of Spain
The increasing role of latent variables in modelling bicycle mode choice
B Muñoz, A Monzon, RA Daziano
Transport Reviews 36 (6), 737-771, 2016
委任: Government of Spain
Hybrid methodology for improving response rates and data quality in mobility surveys
A Monzon, R Julio, A Garcia-Martinez
Travel behaviour and society 20, 155-164, 2020
委任: Government of Spain
An international time equivalency of the pure transfer penalty in urban transit trips: Closing the gap
S Jara-Diaz, A Monzon, R Cascajo, A Garcia-Martinez
Transport Policy 125, 48-55, 2022
委任: Government of Spain
MaaS adoption in EU metropolitan areas: Madrid (Spain) and the Randstad (Netherlands)
A Monzon, I Lopez-Carreiro
International Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and …, 2020
委任: European Commission
Identifying key factors for efficient travel-planners: End-users’ expectations
I Lopez-Carreiro, A Monzón, ME Lopez-Lambas
2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), 8-13, 2020
委任: European Commission
一般公開: 42 件
Efficiency and spatial equity impacts of high-speed rail extensions in urban areas
A Monzón, E Ortega, E López
Cities 30, 18-30, 2013
委任: Government of Spain
Transfer penalties in multimodal public transport networks
A Garcia-Martinez, R Cascajo, SR Jara-Diaz, S Chowdhury, A Monzon
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 114, 52-66, 2018
委任: Government of Spain
Evaluating the European added value of TEN-T projects: a methodological proposal based on spatial spillovers, accessibility and GIS
J Gutiérrez, A Condeço-Melhorado, E López, A Monzón
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (4), 840-850, 2011
委任: Government of Spain
Urban mobility in the digital era: An exploration of travellers' expectations of MaaS mobile-technologies
I Lopez-Carreiro, A Monzon, E Lopez, ME Lopez-Lambas
Technology in Society 63, 101392, 2020
委任: European Commission
Multivariate analysis of fuel consumption related to eco-driving: Interaction of driving patterns and external factors
D Lois, Y Wang, A Boggio-Marzet, A Monzon
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 72, 232-242, 2019
委任: Government of Spain
Are travellers willing to adopt MaaS? Exploring attitudinal and personality factors in the case of Madrid, Spain
I Lopez-Carreiro, A Monzon, D Lois, ME Lopez-Lambas
Travel Behaviour and Society 25, 246-261, 2021
委任: European Commission
Comparison of the willingness to adopt MaaS in Madrid (Spain) and Randstad (The Netherlands) metropolitan areas
I Lopez-Carreiro, A Monzon, ME Lopez-Lambas
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 152, 275-294, 2021
委任: European Commission
Stated preference survey for estimating passenger transfer penalties: design and application to Madrid
R Cascajo, A Garcia-Martinez, A Monzon
European Transport Research Review 9, 1-11, 2017
委任: Government of Spain
User perception of transfers in multimodal urban trips: A qualitative study
R Cascajo, E Lopez, F Herrero, A Monzon
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 13 (6), 393-406, 2019
委任: Government of Spain
Factors influencing bicycle use: a binary choice model with panel data
A Barberan, JA e Silva, A Monzon
Transportation research procedia 27, 253-260, 2017
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Optimal and long-term dynamic transport policy design: Seeking maximum social welfare through a pricing scheme
LA Guzman, D de la Hoz, A Monzon
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 8 (4), 297-316, 2014
委任: Government of Spain
Reduced carbon and energy footprint in highway operations: the Highway Energy Assessment (HERA) methodology
N Sobrino, A Monzon, S Hernandez
Networks and Spatial Economics 16, 395-414, 2016
委任: Government of Spain
Key elements of mobility apps for improving urban travel patterns: a literature review
D Casquero, A Monzon, M García, O Martinez
Future transportation 2 (1), 1-23, 2022
委任: Government of Spain
How did bicycle share increase in Vitoria-Gasteiz?
A Barberan, A Monzon
Transportation research procedia 18, 312-319, 2016
委任: Government of Spain
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