Professor Nigel Crook
Professor Nigel Crook
Associate Dean Research and Knowledge Exchange, Oxford Brookes University
確認したメール アドレス: brookes.ac.uk - ホームページ
Efficient salient region detection with soft image abstraction
MM Cheng, J Warrell, WY Lin, S Zheng, V Vineet, N Crook
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer vision, 1529-1536, 2013
Interaction strategies for an affective conversational agent
C Smith, N Crook, D Charlton, J Boye, RS De La Camara, M Turunen, ...
Presence 20 (5), 395-411, 2011
ImageSpirit: Verbal guided image parsing
MM Cheng, S Zheng, WY Lin, V Vineet, P Sturgess, N Crook, NJ Mitra, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 34 (1), 1-11, 2014
Using input parameter influences to support the decisions of feedforward neural networks
P Howes, N Crook
Neurocomputing 24 (1-3), 191-206, 1999
Unsupervised classification of dialogue acts using a Dirichlet process mixture model
N Crook, R Granell, S Pulman
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference, 341-348, 2009
Human-robot interaction
C Jost, B Le Pévédic, T Belpaeme, C Bethel, D Chrysostomou, N Crook, ...
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Nonlinear transient computation
N Crook
Neurocomputing 70 (7-9), 1167-1176, 2007
‘How was your day?’An affective companion ECA prototype
M Cavazza, RS de la Cámara, M Turunen, J Relaño-Gil, J Hakulinen, ...
Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2010 Conference, 277-280, 2010
Persuasive dialogue based on a narrative theory: An eca implementation
M Cavazza, C Smith, D Charlton, N Crook, J Boye, S Pulman, K Moilanen, ...
Persuasive Technology: 5th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2010 …, 2010
A novel chaotic neural network architecture.
NT Crook, TO Scheper
ESANN, 295-300, 2001
Influence of upper body pose mirroring in human-robot interaction
LA Fuente, H Ierardi, M Pilling, NT Crook
Social Robotics: 7th International Conference, ICSR 2015, Paris, France …, 2015
Pattern recall in networks of chaotic neurons
N Crook, WJ Goh, M Hawarat
BioSystems 87 (2-3), 267-274, 2007
Self-organised dynamic recognition states for chaotic neural networks
N Crook, T olde Scheper, V Pathirana
Information Sciences 150 (1-2), 59-75, 2003
Robust non-parametric data fitting for correspondence modeling
WY Lin, MM Cheng, S Zheng, J Lu, N Crook
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2376-2383, 2013
Handling user interruptions in an embodied conversational agent
N Crook, C Smith, M Cavazza, S Pulman, R Moore, J Boye
Proceedings of the AAMAS International Workshop on Interacting with ECAs as …, 2010
The Nonlinear Dynamic State neuron.
NT Crook, WJ Goh, M Hawarat
ESANN, 37-42, 2005
Generating context-sensitive ECA responses to user barge-in interruptions
N Crook, D Field, C Smith, S Harding, S Pulman, M Cavazza, D Charlton, ...
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 6, 13-25, 2012
Leader-follower strategies for robot-human collaboration
L Beton, P Hughes, S Barker, M Pilling, L Fuente, NT Crook
A World with Robots: International Conference on Robot Ethics: ICRE 2015 …, 2017
Scalable cascade inference for semantic image segmentation
P Sturgess, LU Ladický, N Crook, PHS Torr
British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition, 2012
Efficient discriminative learning of parametric nearest neighbor classifiers
Z Zhang, P Sturgess, S Sengupta, N Crook, PHS Torr
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on …, 2012
論文 1–20