Kevin Hallinan
Carbon nanoadditives to enhance latent energy storage of phase change materials
S Shaikh, K Lafdi, K Hallinan
Journal of applied physics 103 (9), 2008
Study of the chemical and physical influences upon in vitro peptide-mediated silica formation
F Rodríguez, DD Glawe, RR Naik, KP Hallinan, MO Stone
Biomacromolecules 5 (2), 261-265, 2004
Evaporation from an extended meniscus for nonisothermal interfacial conditions
KP Hallinan, HC Chebaro, SJ Kim, WS Chang
Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer 8 (4), 709-716, 1994
Effects of the liquid polarity and the wall slip on the heat and mass transport characteristics of the micro-scale evaporating transition film
SK Wee, KD Kihm, KP Hallinan
International journal of heat and mass transfer 48 (2), 265-278, 2005
Thermocapillary effects on the stability of a heated, curved meniscus
DM Pratt, JR Brown, KP Hallinan
Analysis of solar photovoltaic and wind power potential in Afghanistan
AM Ershad, RJ Brecha, K Hallinan
Renewable Energy 85, 445-453, 2016
Prioritizing investment in residential energy efficiency and renewable energy—A case study for the US Midwest
RJ Brecha, A Mitchell, K Hallinan, K Kissock
Energy Policy 39 (5), 2982-2992, 2011
Heat transfer from a vertical tube bundle under natural circulation conditions
KP Hallinan, R Viskanta
International journal of heat and fluid flow 6 (4), 256-264, 1985
Thermocapillary effects on the wetting characteristics of a heated curved meniscus
DM Pratt, KP Hallinan
Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer 11 (4), 519-525, 1997
Smart wifi thermostat-enabled thermal comfort control in residences
R Lou, KP Hallinan, K Huang, T Reissman
Sustainability 12 (5), 1919, 2020
Electrohydrodynamically augmented micro heat pipes
Z Yu, K Hallinani, W Bhagat, R Kashani
Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer 16 (2), 180-186, 2002
Low-energy opportunity for multi-family residences: A review and simulation-based study of a solar borehole thermal energy storage system
R Elhashmi, KP Hallinan, AD Chiasson
Energy 204, 117870, 2020
Economic and environmental impacts of community-based residential building energy efficiency investment
JK Choi, D Morrison, KP Hallinan, RJ Brecha
Energy 78, 877-886, 2014
Machine learning modeling of horizontal photovoltaics using weather and location data
C Pasion, T Wagner, C Koschnick, S Schuldt, J Williams, K Hallinan
Energies 13 (10), 2570, 2020
Statistically informed static pressure control in multiple-zone VAV systems
A Tukur, KP Hallinan
Energy and Buildings 135, 244-252, 2017
Temperature control of electrohydrodynamic micro heat pipes
Z Yu, KP Hallinan, RA Kashani
Experimental thermal and fluid science 27 (8), 867-875, 2003
Hybrid CHP/geothermal borehole system for multi-family building in heating dominated climates
S Alqaed, J Mustafa, K P. Hallinan, R Elhashmi
Sustainability 12 (18), 7772, 2020
Self-learning algorithm to predict indoor temperature and cooling demand from smart WiFi thermostat in a residential building
K Huang, KP Hallinan, R Lou, A Alanezi, S Alshatshati, Q Sun
Sustainability 12 (17), 7110, 2020
Large scale residential energy efficiency prioritization enabled by machine learning
B Al Tarhuni, A Naji, PG Brodrick, KP Hallinan, RJ Brecha, Z Yao
Energy Efficiency 12, 2055-2078, 2019
Microgrid cost optimization for a mixed-use building
I Aldaouab, M Daniels, K Hallinan
2017 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), 1-5, 2017
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