Norman Bishara
Norman Bishara
Professor of Business Law & Ethics, University of Michigan, Ross School of Business
確認したメール アドレス: umich.edu - ホームページ
Noncompete agreements in the US labor force
EP Starr, JJ Prescott, ND Bishara
The Journal of Law and Economics 64 (1), 53-84, 2021
Fifty ways to leave your employer: Relative enforcement of covenants not to compete, trends, and implications for employee mobility policy
ND Bishara
U. Pa. J. Bus. L. 13, 751, 2010
An empirical analysis of noncompetition clauses and other restrictive postemployment covenants
ND Bishara, KJ Martin, RS Thomas
Vand. L. Rev. 68, 1, 2015
Linking workplace practices to community engagement: The case for encouraging employee voice
FJ Milliken, CA Schipani, ND Bishara, AM Prado
Academy of Management Perspectives 29 (4), 405-421, 2015
Understanding noncompetition agreements: the 2014 noncompete survey project
JJ Prescott, ND Bishara, E Starr
Mich. St. L. Rev., 369, 2016
Covenants not to compete in a knowledge economy: Balancing innovation from employee mobility against legal protection for human capital investment
ND Bishara
Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 27, 287, 2006
The behavioral effects of (unenforceable) contracts
E Starr, JJ Prescott, N Bishara
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 36 (3), 633-687, 2020
Serum proteomic profiling in patients with drug‐induced liver injury
LN Bell, R Vuppalanchi, PB Watkins, HL Bonkovsky, J Serrano, ...
Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 35 (5), 600-612, 2012
Governance and Corruption Constraints in the Middle East: Overcoming the Business Ethics Glass Ceiling
ND Bishara
American Business Law Journal 48 (2), 227-283, 2011
The incomplete noncompete picture
ND Bishara, E Starr
Lewis & Clark L. Rev. 20, 497, 2016
The Law and Ethics of Restrictions on an Employee's Post‐Employment Mobility
ND Bishara, M Westermann‐Behaylo
American Business Law Journal 49 (1), 1-61, 2012
Using the resource-based theory to determine covenant not to compete legitimacy
ND Bishara, D Orozco
Ind. LJ 87, 979, 2012
The mouth of truth
ND Bishara, ES Callahan, TM Dworkin
NYUJL & Bus. 10, 37, 2013
Strengthening the ties that bind: Preventing corruption in the executive suite
ND Bishara, CA Schipani
Journal of Business Ethics 88, 765-780, 2009
When do CEOs have covenants not to compete in their employment contracts?
N Bishara, KJ Martin, RS Thomas
Vanderbilt Law Review 68 (1), 12-33, 2015
Managerial career concerns and the content of corporate disclosures: An analysis of the tone of earnings press releases
Ö Arslan-Ayaydin, N Bishara, J Thewissen, W Torsin
International Review of Financial Analysis 72, 101598, 2020
Beyond peace doves*: Respecting human rights and combating corruption in mega-sporting events
D Hess, ND Bishara
Music, business and peacebuilding, 350-378, 2021
Complementary alternative benefits to promote peace
ND Bishara, CA Schipani
Journal of Business Ethics 89, 539-557, 2009
Balancing Innovation from Employee Mobility with Legal Protection for Human Capital Investment: 50 States, Public Policy, and Covenants Not to Compete in an Information Economy
ND Bishara
Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 27, 287, 2006
A Corporate Governance Perspective on the Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship
ND Bishara, CA Schipani
Stan. JL Bus. & Fin. 19, 303, 2013
論文 1–20