Elevina Eduviges Pérez Sira
Elevina Eduviges Pérez Sira
Profesora Facultad de Ciencias Universidad Central de Venezuela
確認したメール アドレス: ucv.ve - ホームページ
Structural and mechanical properties of edible films made from native and modified cush-cush yam and cassava starch
TJ Gutiérrez, MS Tapia, E Pérez, L Famá
Food Hydrocolloids 45, 211-217, 2015
Effect of acetylation on some properties of rice starch
Z González, E Pérez
Starch‐Stärke 54 (3‐4), 148-154, 2002
Physico-chemical properties of edible films derived from native and phosphated cush-cush yam and cassava starches
TJ Gutiérrez, NJ Morales, E Pérez, MS Tapia, L Famá
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 3, 1-8, 2015
Characterization of some properties of starches isolated from Xanthosoma sagittifolium (tannia) and Colocassia esculenta (taro)
E Pérez, FS Schultz, EP de Delahaye
Carbohydrate polymers 60 (2), 139-145, 2005
Evaluation of lentil starches modified by microwave irradiation and extrusion cooking
Z Gonzalez, E Perez
Food Research International 35 (5), 415-420, 2002
A simple laboratory scale method for isolation of amaranth starch
E Perez, YA Bahnassey, WM Breene
Starch‐Stärke 45 (6), 211-214, 1993
Preparation of indigestible pyrodextrins from different starch sources
A Laurentin, M Cárdenas, J Ruales, E Pérez, J Tovar
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51 (18), 5510-5515, 2003
Physicochemical, functional, and macromolecular properties of waxy yam starches discovered from “Mapuey”(Dioscorea trifida) genotypes in the Venezuelan Amazon
E Pérez, O Gibert, A Rolland-Sabaté, Y Jiménez, T Sánchez, A Giraldo, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (1), 263-273, 2011
Effect of enrichment with high content dietary fiber stabilized rice bran flour on chemical and functional properties of storage frozen pizzas
EP De Delahaye, P Jiménez, E Pérez
Journal of Food Engineering 68 (1), 1-7, 2005
Production and characterization of unripe plantain (musa paradisiaca l.) Flours.
E Pacheco-Delahaye, R Maldonado, E Pérez, M Schroeder
Interciencia 33 (4), 290-296, 2008
Characterization of Starch Isolated from Plantain (Musa paradisiaca normalis)
E Pérez‐Sira
Starch‐Stärke 49 (2), 45-49, 1997
Resistant starch formation does not parallel syneresis tendency in different starch gels
J Tovar, C Melito, E Herrera, A Rascón, E Pérez
Food Chemistry 76 (4), 455-459, 2002
De tales harinas, tales panes. Granos, harinas y productos de panificación en Iberoamérica
AE León, CM Rosell, M Gómez Pallarés, C Brites, M Haros, MJ Trigo, ...
ISEKI-Food, 2007
Chemical Composition, Mineral Profile, and Functional Properties of Canna (Canna edulis) and Arrowroot (Maranta spp.) Starches
E Pérez, M Lares
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 60, 113-116, 2005
Edible films based on native and phosphated 80: 20 waxy: normal corn starch
TJ Gutierrez, MS Tapia, E Perez, L Famá
Starch‐Stärke 67 (1-2), 90-97, 2015
The use of near infrared spectroscopy to determine the fat, caffeine, theobromine and (−)-epicatechin contents in unfermented and sun-dried beans of Criollo cocoa
C Álvarez, E Pérez, E Cros, M Lares, S Assemat, R Boulanger, F Davrieux
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 20 (2), 307-315, 2012
A laboratory scale method for isolation of starch from pigmented sorghum
EEP Sira, ML Amaiz
Journal of food engineering 64 (4), 515-519, 2004
Some Characteristics of Sagu (Canna edulis Kerr) and Zulu (Maranta sp.) Rhizomes
E Pérez, M Lares, Z González
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45 (7), 2546-2549, 1997
Corn starch 80: 20 “waxy”: regular,“native” and phosphated, as bio-matrixes for edible films
TJ Gutiérrez, NJ Morales, MS Tapia, E Pérez, L Famá
Procedia Materials Science 8, 304-310, 2015
The microwave-assisted process (MAPTM1): Extraction and determination of fat from cocoa powder and cocoa nibs
S ElKhori, JRJ Paré, JMR Bélanger, E Pérez
Journal of food engineering 79 (3), 1110-1114, 2007
論文 1–20