Mehdi Shafiei
Mehdi Shafiei
Principal Power Systems Engineer at Acciona Erengia
確認したメール アドレス: acciona.com
Probabilistic energy management of a renewable microgrid with hydrogen storage using self-adaptive charge search algorithm
T Niknam, F Golestaneh, M Shafiei
Energy 49, 252-267, 2013
Review of permanent-magnet brushless DC motor basic drives based on analysis and simulation study
SA Niapour, GH Garjan, M Shafiei, MR Feyzi, S Danyali, ...
International Review of Electrical Engineering 9 (5), 930-957, 2014
Regenerative braking of electric vehicle using a modified direct torque control and adaptive control theory
S Geraee, H Mohammadbagherpoor, M Shafiei, M Valizadeh, F Montazeri, ...
Computers & Electrical Engineering 69, 85-97, 2018
Position sensorless and adaptive speed design for controlling brushless DC motor drives
S Geraee, M Shafiei, AR Sahami, S Alavi
2017 North American power symposium (NAPS), 1-6, 2017
Single iteration conditional based DSSE considering spatial and temporal correlation
M Shafiei, G Nourbakhsh, A Arefi, G Ledwich, H Pezeshki
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 107, 644-655, 2019
Direct torque control of brushless DC motor drives with reduced starting current using fuzzy logic controller
N Parhizkar, M Shafiei, MB Kouhshahi
2011 International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge …, 2011
Fault detection for low-voltage residential distribution systems with low-frequency measured data
M Shafiei, F Golestaneh, G Ledwich, G Nourbakhsh, HB Gooi, A Arefi
IEEE Systems Journal 14 (4), 5265-5273, 2020
Position sensorless direct torque control of Brushless DC motor drives based on sliding mode observer using NSGA-II Algorithm optimization
MR Feyzi, M Shafiei, MB Kouhshahi, SAKHM Niapour
2011 2nd Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference, 151-156, 2011
Distribution system state estimation using PV separation strategy in LV feeders with high levels of unmonitored PV generation
A Mokaribolhassan, G Nourbakhsh, G Ledwich, A Arefi, M Shafiei
IEEE Systems Journal 17 (1), 684-695, 2022
Correlation Study of Residential Community Demand with High PV Penetration
AL Liu, M Shafiei, G Ledwich, W Miller, G Nourbakhsh
Supplying a Brushless DC Motor by z-source PV power inverter with FLC-IC MPPT by DTC drive
MR Feyzi, SAKHM Niapour, S Danyali, M Shafiei
2010 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 694-699, 2010
Design an optimized power system stabilizer using NSGA-II based on fuzzy logic principle
E Babaei, F Golestaneh, M Shafiei, S Galvani
2011 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE …, 2011
One-step multilayer unbalanced three-phase DSE for LV distribution networks
M Shafiei, G Ledwich, G Nourbakhsh, A Arefi, H Pezeshki
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (3), 4403-4412, 2021
Fault detection in LV distribution networks based on augmented complex Kalman filter
M Shafiei, H Pezeshki, G Ledwich, G Nourbakhsh
2019 29th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-5, 2019
Distribution network state estimation, time dependency and fault detection
M Shafiei
Queensland University of Technology, 2019
Layered based augmented complex kalman filter for fast forecasting-aided state estimation of distribution networks
M Shafiei, G Ledwich, G Nourbakhsh, A Arefi, H Pezeshki
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.08298, 2018
Direct torque control of brushless DC motor drives based on ANFIS controller with fuzzy supervisory learning
MBB Sharifian, M Shafiei, MS Sadeghi, F Golestaneh
2011 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, 1-6, 2011
Position sensorless for controlling brushless DC motor drives based on sliding mode and RLS estimators using NSGA-II algorithm optimization
M Shafiei, M Bahrami Kouhshahi, MBB Sharifian, MR Feyzi
International Review on Modelling and Simulations 4 (3), 1121-1130, 2011
Solar enablement initiative in Australia: Report on efficiently identifying critical cases for evaluating the voltage impact of large PV investment
M Shafiei, A Liu, G Ledwich, G Walker, GM Morosini, J Terry
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2019
Solar generation estimation in distribution network using limited measurements
A Mokaribolhassan, G Ledwich, G Nourbakhsh, A Arefi, M Shafiei
2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 374-376, 2020
論文 1–20