Magnus Hultén
Magnus Hultén
Professor of Science Education at Linköping University
確認したメール アドレス: liu.se
Surveying preschool teachers’ use of digital tablets: general and technology education related findings
A Otterborn, K Schönborn, M Hultén
International journal of technology and design education 29 (4), 717-737, 2019
The effect of reaction conditions and time on stream on the coke formed during propane dehydrogenation
M Larsson, M Hultén, EA Blekkan, B Andersson
Journal of Catalysis 164 (1), 44-53, 1996
Students’ attitudes toward technology: exploring the relationship among affective, cognitive and behavioral components of the attitude construct
J Svenningsson, G Höst, M Hultén, J Hallström
International Journal of Technology and Design Education 32 (3), 1531-1551, 2022
Opening dimensions of variation: An empirical study of learning in a Web-based discussion
S Booth, M Hultén
Instructional science 31, 65-86, 2003
Investigating preschool educators’ implementation of computer programming in their teaching practice
A Otterborn, KJ Schönborn, M Hultén
Early Childhood Education Journal 48 (3), 253-262, 2020
The compression/absorption heat pump cycle—conceptual design improvements and comparisons with the compression cycle
M Hultén, T Berntsson
International Journal of Refrigeration 25 (4), 487-497, 2002
The compression/absorption cycle–influence of some major parameters on COP and a comparison with the compression cycle
M Hultén, T Berntsson
International Journal of Refrigeration 22 (2), 91-106, 1999
Skolans undervisning och elevers lärande i teknik: Svensk forskning i internationell kontext
JE Hagberg, M Hultén
Vetenskapsrådet, 2005
Naturens kanon: Formering och förändring av innehållet i folkskolans och grundskolans naturvetenskap 1842–2007
M Hultén
Linköping University Electronic Press, 2008
Betygens geografi: forskning om betyg och summativa bedömningar i Sverige och internationellt. Delrapport från skolforsk-projektet
C Lundahl, M Hultén, A Klapp, L Mickwitz
Vetenskapsrådet, 2015
The flipped classroom: Primary and secondary teachers’ views on an educational movement in schools in Sweden today
M Hultén, B Larsson
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 62 (3), 433-443, 2018
Understanding attitude measurement: Exploring meaning and use of the PATT short questionnaire
J Svenningsson, M Hultén, J Hallström
International journal of technology and design education 28, 67-83, 2018
The study of technology as a field of knowledge in general education: historical insights and methodological considerations from a Swedish case study, 1842–2010
J Hallström, M Hultén, D Lövheim
International journal of technology and design education 24, 121-139, 2014
Representational challenges in animated chemistry: self-generated animations as a means to encourage students’ reflections on sub-micro processes in laboratory exercises
A Berg, D Orraryd, AJ Pettersson, M Hultén
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 20 (4), 710-737, 2019
The power of teacher-assigned grades in outcome-based education
C Lundahl, M Hultén, S Tveit
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy 3 (1), 56-66, 2017
Tension between visions of science education: The case of energy quality in Swedish secondary science curricula
J Haglund, M Hultén
Science & Education 26, 323-344, 2017
Epistemic habits: primary school teachers’ development of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in a design-based research project
M Hultén, E Björkholm
International Journal of Technology and Design Education 26, 335-351, 2016
Betygssystem i internationell belysning
C Lundahl, M Hultén, S Tveit
Skolverket, 2016
Striden om den goda skolan
M Hultén
Nordic Academic Press, 2019
Boundary objects and curriculum change: the case of integrated versus subject-based teaching
M Hultén
Journal of Curriculum Studies 45 (6), 790-813, 2013
論文 1–20