Zhiguo Wan
Zhiguo Wan
Principal Investigator at Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou, China
確認したメール アドレス: zhejianglab.com - ホームページ
HASBE: A hierarchical attribute-based solution for flexible and scalable access control in cloud computing
Z Wan, J Liu, RH Deng
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 7 (2), 743-754, 2011
A blockchain-based privacy-preserving payment mechanism for vehicle-to-grid networks
F Gao, L Zhu, M Shen, K Sharif, Z Wan, K Ren
IEEE network 32 (6), 184-192, 2018
Anonymous secure routing in mobile ad-hoc networks
B Zhu, Z Wan, MS Kankanhalli, F Bao, RH Deng
29th annual IEEE international conference on local computer networks, 102-108, 2004
Privacy-aware attribute-based encryption with user accountability
J Li, K Ren, B Zhu, Z Wan
Information Security: 12th International Conference, ISC 2009, Pisa, Italy …, 2009
Control cloud data access privilege and anonymity with fully anonymous attribute-based encryption
T Jung, XY Li, Z Wan, M Wan
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 10 (1), 190-199, 2014
Privacy preserving cloud data access with multi-authorities
T Jung, XY Li, Z Wan, M Wan
2013 proceedings IEEE INFOCOm, 2625-2633, 2013
Intelligent computing: the latest advances, challenges, and future
S Zhu, T Yu, T Xu, H Chen, S Dustdar, S Gigan, D Gunduz, E Hossain, ...
Intelligent Computing 2, 0006, 2023
Highly reliable trust establishment scheme in ad hoc networks
K Ren, T Li, Z Wan, F Bao, RH Deng, K Kim
Computer Networks 45 (6), 687-699, 2004
BC-SABE: Blockchain-aided searchable attribute-based encryption for cloud-IoT
S Liu, J Yu, Y Xiao, Z Wan, S Wang, B Yan
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (9), 7851-7867, 2020
SKM: Scalable key management for advanced metering infrastructure in smart grids
Z Wan, G Wang, Y Yang, S Shi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (12), 7055-7066, 2014
BlockMaze: An efficient privacy-preserving account-model blockchain based on zk-SNARKs
Z Guan, Z Wan, Y Yang, Y Zhou, B Huang
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 19 (3), 1446-1463, 2020
Verifiable and exculpable outsourced attribute-based encryption for access control in cloud computing
H Ma, R Zhang, Z Wan, Y Lu, S Lin
IEEE transactions on dependable and secure computing 14 (6), 679-692, 2015
Efficient and expressive keyword search over encrypted data in cloud
H Cui, Z Wan, RH Deng, G Wang, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 15 (3), 409-422, 2016
A survey on blockchain-based trust management for Internet of Things
Y Liu, J Wang, Z Yan, Z Wan, R Jäntti
IEEE internet of Things Journal 10 (7), 5898-5922, 2023
USOR: An unobservable secure on-demand routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks
Z Wan, K Ren, M Gu
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 11 (5), 1922-1932, 2012
VPSearch: Achieving verifiability for privacy-preserving multi-keyword search over encrypted cloud data
Z Wan, RH Deng
IEEE transactions on dependable and secure computing 15 (6), 1083-1095, 2016
Efficient and effective one-step multiview clustering
J Wang, C Tang, Z Wan, W Zhang, K Sun, AY Zomaya
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023
When blockchain meets smart grids: A comprehensive survey
Y Guo, Z Wan, X Cheng
High-Confidence Computing 2 (2), 100059, 2022
A novel graph-based mechanism for identifying traffic vulnerabilities in smart home IoT
Y Jia, Y Xiao, J Yu, X Cheng, Z Liang, Z Wan
IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1493-1501, 2018
A brief survey on de-anonymization attacks in online social networks
X Ding, L Zhang, Z Wan, M Gu
2010 international conference on computational aspects of social networks …, 2010
論文 1–20