Niki Harre
Niki Harre
確認したメール アドレス: auckland.ac.nz
Key competencies in sustainability in higher education—toward an agreed-upon reference framework
K Brundiers, M Barth, G Cebrián, M Cohen, L Diaz, ...
Sustainability science 16, 13-29, 2021
The role of biological and genetic causal beliefs in the stigmatisation of'mental patients'
JRN Harré
Journal of mental health 10 (2), 223-235, 2001
The Transtheoretical Model and stages of change: a critique: observations by five commentators on the paper by Adams, J. and White, M.(2004) why don't stage-based activity …
J Brug, M Conner, N Harre, S Kremers, S McKellar, S Whitelaw
Health education research 20 (2), 244-258, 2005
Gender differences and areas of common concern in the driving behaviors and attitudes of adolescents
N Harré, J Field, B Kirkwood
Journal of Safety Research 27 (3), 163-173, 1996
Self‐enhancement, crash‐risk optimism and the impact of safety advertisements on young drivers
N Harré, S Foster, M O'neill
British journal of psychology 96 (2), 215-230, 2005
The development of risky driving in adolescence
N Harré, T Brandt, M Dawe
Journal of Safety Research 31 (4), 185-194, 2000
Risk evaluation, driving, and adolescents: A typology
N Harré
Developmental Review 20 (2), 206-226, 2000
Psychology for a better world
N Harré
University of Auckland, Auckland, 2011
Life on the seesaw: A qualitative study of suicide resiliency factors for young gay men
J Fenaughty, N Harré
Journal of Homosexuality 45 (1), 1-22, 2003
Factors associated with distressing electronic harassment and cyberbullying
J Fenaughty, N Harré
Computers in human behavior 29 (3), 803-811, 2013
Community service or activism as an identity project for youth
N Harré
Journal of community psychology 35 (6), 711-724, 2007
Negotiating solidarity between indigenous and transformative paradigms in evaluation
F Cram, DM Mertens
Evaluation Matters-He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 2 (2), 161-189, 2016
Explicit and implicit self-enhancement biases in drivers and their relationship to driving violations and crash-risk optimism
N Harre, CG Sibley
Accident Analysis & Prevention 39 (6), 1155-1161, 2007
The university as an infinite game
N Harré, BM Grant, K Locke, S Sturm
TheAustralian Universities' Review 59 (2), 5-13, 2017
An evaluation of four types of railway pedestrian crossing safety intervention
B Lobb, N Harre, N Terry
Accident Analysis & Prevention 35 (4), 487-494, 2003
The youth adventure programming model
KL Deane, N Harré
Journal of Research on Adolescence 24 (2), 293-308, 2014
An evaluation of a suburban railway pedestrian crossing safety programme
B Lobb, N Harre, T Suddendorf
Accident Analysis & Prevention 33 (2), 157-165, 2001
The impact of different styles of traffic safety advertisement on young drivers’ explicit and implicit self-enhancement biases
CG Sibley, N Harré
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (2), 159-167, 2009
The Climate‐Change Dilemma: Examining the Association Between Parental Status and Political Party Support1
TL Milfont, N Harré, CG Sibley, J Duckitt
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42 (10), 2386-2410, 2012
The gap in the subjective wellbeing of Māori and New Zealand Europeans widened between 2005 and 2009
CG Sibley, N Harré, WJ Hoverd, CA Houkamau
Social indicators research 104, 103-115, 2011
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