Zi-Long Zhao (赵子龙)
Zi-Long Zhao (赵子龙)
Professor, Institute of Solid Mechanics, Beihang University, Beijing, China
確認したメール アドレス: mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
A new approach to eliminating enclosed voids in topology optimization for additive manufacturing
Y Xiong, S Yao, ZL Zhao, YM Xie
Additive Manufacturing 32, 101006, 2020
Mechanical properties of carbon nanotube ropes with hierarchical helical structures
ZL Zhao, HP Zhao, JS Wang, Z Zhang, XQ Feng
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 71, 64–83, 2014
Structures, properties, and functions of the stings of honey bees and paper wasps: a comparative study
ZL Zhao, HP Zhao, GJ Ma, CW Wu, K Yang, XQ Feng
Biology Open 4 (7), 921–928, 2015
Mesh-based digital image correlation method using higher order isoparametric elements
SP Ma, ZL Zhao, X Wang
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 47 (3), 163–175, 2012
On the internal architecture of emergent plants
ZL Zhao, S Zhou, XQ Feng, YM Xie
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 119, 224–239, 2018
Stochastic approaches to generating diverse and competitive structural designs in topology optimization
Y He, K Cai, ZL Zhao, YM Xie
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 173, 103399, 2020
A direct approach to controlling the topology in structural optimization
ZL Zhao, S Zhou, K Cai, YM Xie
Computers and Structures 227, 106141, 2020
Study of biomechanical, anatomical, and physiological properties of scorpion stingers for developing biomimetic materials
ZL Zhao, T Shu, XQ Feng
Materials Science and Engineering: C 58, 1112–1121, 2016
Simple and effective strategies for achieving diverse and competitive structural designs
K Yang, ZL Zhao, Y He, S Zhou, Q Zhou, W Huang, YM Xie
Extreme Mechanics Letters 30, 100481, 2019
Controlling the maximum first principal stress in topology optimization
A Chen, K Cai, ZL Zhao, Y Zhou, L Xia, YM Xie
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 63, 327–339, 2021
Structural topology optimization with an adaptive design domain
Y Rong, ZL Zhao, XQ Feng, YM Xie
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 389, 114382, 2022
Morphological optimization of scorpion telson
ZL Zhao, S Zhou, XQ Feng, YM Xie
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 135, 103773, 2020
Mechanical roles of F-actin in the differentiation of stem cells: A review
YL Fan, H Zhao, B Li, ZL Zhao, XQ Feng
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 5, 3788–3801, 2019
Nacre's brick–mortar structure suppresses the adverse effects of microstructural randomness
Y Yan, ZL Zhao, XQ Feng, H Gao
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 159, 104769, 2022
Creating novel furniture through topology optimization and advanced manufacturing
J Ma, Z Li, ZL Zhao, YM Xie
Rapid Prototyping Journal 27 (9), 1749–1758, 2021
A thinning algorithm based approach to controlling structural complexity in topology optimization
Y He, ZL Zhao, K Cai, J Kirby, Y Xiong, YM Xie
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 207, 103779, 2022
Biomechanical tactics of chiral growth in emergent aquatic macrophytes
ZL Zhao, HP Zhao, BW Li, BD Nie, XQ Feng, H Gao
Scientific Reports 5, 12610, 2015
Topology of leaf veins: Experimental observation and computational morphogenesis
J Ma, ZL Zhao, S Lin, YM Xie
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 123, 104788, 2021
Handedness-dependent hyperelasticity of biological soft fibers with multilayered helical structures
ZL Zhao, B Li, XQ Feng
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 81, 19–29, 2016
Experimental study on the evolution of necking zones of metallic materials
PD Versaillot, YF Wu, ZL Zhao
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 189, 106002, 2021
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