The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management H Kreibich, AF Van Loon, K Schröter, PJ Ward, M Mazzoleni, N Sairam, ... Nature 608 (7921), 80-86, 2022 | 344 | 2022 |
Resilience in practice: Five principles to enable societies to cope with extreme weather events K De Bruijn, J Buurman, M Mens, R Dahm, F Klijn Environmental Science & Policy 70, 21-30, 2017 | 205 | 2017 |
Adaptation to uncertain sea-level rise; how uncertainty in Antarctic mass-loss impacts the coastal adaptation strategy of the Netherlands M Haasnoot, J Kwadijk, J Van Alphen, D Le Bars, B Van Den Hurk, ... Environmental Research Letters 15 (3), 034007, 2020 | 166 | 2020 |
The meaning of system robustness for flood risk management MJP Mens, F Klijn, KM de Bruijn, E van Beek Environmental Science & Policy, 2011 | 163 | 2011 |
How to improve attribution of changes in drought and flood impacts H Kreibich, V Blauhut, JCJH Aerts, LM Bouwer, HAJ Van Lanen, A Mejia, ... Hydrological Sciences Journal 64 (1), 1-18, 2019 | 86 | 2019 |
Strategies for urban drought risk management: a comparison of 10 large cities J Buurman, MJP Mens, RJ Dahm International journal of water resources development 33 (1), 31-50, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Dealing with uncertainties in fresh water supply: Experiences in the Netherlands W Thissen, J Kwakkel, M Mens, J van der Sluijs, S Stemberger, ... Water resources management 31, 703-725, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |
Long-term strategies for flood risk management: scenario definition and strategic alternative design K De Bruijn, F Klijn, C McGahey, M Mens, H Wolfert FLOODsite Consortium, T14_08_01, 2008 | 53 | 2008 |
In search of robust flood risk management alternatives for the Netherlands. F Klijn, JM Knoop, W Ligtvoet, MJP Mens Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences 12 (5), 2012 | 37 | 2012 |
Mogelijke gevolgen van versnelde zeespiegelstijging voor het Deltaprogramma: een verkenning M Haasnoot, L Bouwer, F Diermanse, J Kwadijk, A Van der Spek, ... Deltares, 2018 | 33 | 2018 |
Mogelijke gevolgen van versnelde zeespiegelstijging voor het Deltaprogramma M Haasnoot, L Bouwer, F Diermanse, J Kwadijk, A Van der Spek, ... Een verkenning, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Managing water across the flood–drought spectrum: Experiences from and challenges for the Netherlands RP Bartholomeus, K van der Wiel, AF van Loon, MHJ van Huijgevoort, ... Cambridge Prisms: Water 1, e2, 2023 | 25 | 2023 |
Evacuation and traffic management D Lumbroso, E Gaume, C Logtmeijer, M Mens, M Van Der Vat FLOODsite Task 17, 2008 | 25 | 2008 |
Integrated drought risk assessment to support adaptive policy making in the Netherlands M Mens, G van Rhee, F Schasfoort, N Kielen Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2022, 1-24, 2022 | 22 | 2022 |
Frameworks for flood event management MJP Mens, M Erlich, E Gaume, D Lumbroso, Y Moreda, M Van der Vat, ... FLOODsite report T19-07-03, available from www. floodsite. net, 2008 | 22 | 2008 |
Developing system robustness analysis for drought risk management: an application on a water supply reservoir MJP Mens, K Gilroy, D Williams Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (8), 1933-1940, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
System Robustness Analysis in Support of Flood and Drought Risk Management MJP Mens IOS Press, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
Methodology for a DSS to support long-term Flood Risk Management Planning C McGahey, P SAYERS, J SCHANZE, U WALZ, M PETROSCHKA, ... FLOODsite Report 18-09-01, www. floodsite. net, 2009 | 21 | 2009 |
Dilemmas in developing models for long-term drought risk management: The case of the National Water Model of the Netherlands M Mens, B Minnema, K Overmars, B Van den Hurk Environmental Modelling & Software 143, 105100, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
Flood risk management for an uncertain future: economic efficiency and system robustness perspectives compared for the Meuse River (Netherlands) F Klijn, MJP Mens, NEM Asselman Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change 20, 1011-1026, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |