Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh
Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh
Assistant Professor of Electrical Power Engineering, Hamedan University of Technology
確認したメール アドレス: hut.ac.ir - ホームページ
Improved fault location algorithm for radial distribution systems with discrete and continuous wavelet analysis
M Goudarzi, B Vahidi, RA Naghizadeh, SH Hosseinian
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 67, 423-430, 2015
Multi‐criteria optimal sizing of hybrid renewable energy systems including wind, photovoltaic, battery, and hydrogen storage with ɛ‐constraint method
H Bakhtiari, RA Naghizadeh
IET renewable power generation 12 (8), 883-892, 2018
Power quality disturbance classification using a statistical and wavelet-based hidden Markov model with Dempster–Shafer algorithm
H Dehghani, B Vahidi, RA Naghizadeh, SH Hosseinian
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 47, 368-377, 2013
Distribution network reconfiguration in the presence of harmonic loads: optimization techniques and analysis
S Jazebi, MM Hadji, RA Naghizadeh
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (4), 1929-1937, 2014
Modeling hydro power plants and tuning hydro governors as an educational guideline
RA Naghizadeh, S Jazebi, B Vahidi
International Review on modelling and simulations 5 (4), 1780-1790, 2012
Parameter identification of Jiles‐Atherton model using SFLA
RA Naghizadeh, B Vahidi, S Hossein Hosseinian
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2012
Modelling of inrush current in transformers using inverse Jiles–Atherton hysteresis model with a neuro-shuffled frog-leaping algorithm approach
RA Naghizadeh, B Vahidi, SH Hosseinian
IET electric power applications 6 (9), 727-734, 2012
Optimal overcurrent relays coordination using genetic algorithm
MR Asadi, HA Abyaneh, M Mahmoodan, RA Naghizadeh, A Koochaki
2008 11th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and …, 2008
Systematic derivation of parameters of one exponential model for photovoltaic modules using numerical information of data sheet
MH Deihimi, RA Naghizadeh, AF Meyabadi
Renewable Energy 87, 676-685, 2016
Optimal surge arrester parameter estimation using a PSO-based multiobjective approach
H Zeinoddini-Meymand, B Vahidi, RA Naghizadeh, M Moghimi-Haji
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 28 (3), 1758-1769, 2013
Estimating the Parameters of Dynamic Model of Drum Type Boilers Using Heat Balance Data as an Educational Procedure
RA Naghizadeh, B Vahidi, MR Bank Tavakoli
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 26 (2), 775 - 782, 2011
A simple and unified method to model HVDC links and FACTS devices in DC load flow
OA Mousavi, MJ Sanjari, GB Gharehpetian, RA Naghizadeh
Simulation 85 (2), 101-109, 2009
Islanding detection in unbalanced distribution systems with doubly fed induction generator based distributed generation using wavelet transform
H Shabani, B Vahidi, RA Naghizadeh, SH Hosseinian
Electric Power Components and Systems 43 (8-10), 866-878, 2015
Optimal controller design for interconnected power networks with predetermined degree of stability
SM Azimi, RA Naghizadeh, AR Kian
IEEE Systems Journal 13 (3), 3165-3175, 2018
An adaptive approach for simulation of inrush current in three-phase transformers considering hysteresis effects
RA Naghizadeh, B Vahidi, SH Hosseinian
Electric Power Components and Systems 44 (6), 673-682, 2016
Optimum reactive power compensation in distribution networks using imperialistic competitive algorithm
M Goudarzi, B Vahidi, RA Naghizadeh
Sci Int 25, 27-31, 2013
Optimal Sizing and Sitting of Photovoltaic Distributed Generation Units Using PSO Algorithm
R Ahmadi, SA Hosseini, S Mohammadi, RA Naghizadeh, ...
2022 12th Smart Grid Conference (SGC), 1-7, 2022
Optimum design of high voltage bushings by rational Bézier curves
M Kouhi Jemsi, B Vahidi, RA Naghizadeh, S Hossein Hosseinian
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2012
Use of adaptive linear algorithms for very short-term prediction of wind turbine power output
M Tohidian, A Esmaili, RA Naghizadeh, SHH Sadeghi, A Nasiri, AM Reza
IECON 2012-38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2012
Power system stability enhancement with teaching-learning-based optimization
RA Naghizadeh, SM Azimi
Electrical Engineering (ICEE), Iranian Conference on, 1011-1016, 2018
論文 1–20