Jenna K Gillett-Swan
Jenna K Gillett-Swan
Professor in Education, Queensland University of Technology
確認したメール アドレス: qut.edu.au
The Challenges of Online Learning: Supporting and Engaging the Isolated Learner
J Gillett-Swan
Journal of Learning Design 10 (1), 20-30, 2017
Wellbeing as a Process of Accrual: Beyond Subjectivity and Beyond the Moment
JK Gillett-Swan, J Sargeant
Social Indicators Research 121 (1), 135-148, 2015
Empowering the disempowered through voice-inclusive practice: Children’s views on adult-centric educational provision
J Sargeant, JK Gillett-Swan
European Educational Research Journal 14 (2), 177-191, 2015
Beyond Salamanca: A citation analysis of the CRPD/GC4 relative to the Salamanca Statement in inclusive and special education research
LJ Graham, M Medhurst, C Malaquias, H Tancredi, C De Bruin, ...
International Journal of Inclusive Education 27 (2), 123-145, 2023
WiL wellbeing: Exploring the impacts of unpaid practicum on student wellbeing
D Grant-Smith, J Gillett-Swan, R Chapman
National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, 2017
Assuring children’s human right to freedom of opinion and expression in education
J Gillett-Swan, J Sargeant
International journal of speech-language pathology 20 (1), 120-127, 2018
A framework for managing the impacts of work-integrated learning on student quality of life
JK Gillett-Swan, D Grant-Smith
International Journal of Work Integrated Learning 19 (2), 129-140, 2018
Voice inclusive practice, digital literacy and children's participatory rights
JK Gillett‐Swan, J Sargeant
Children & Society 32 (1), 38-49, 2018
Investigating Tween Children's Capacity to Conceptualise the Complex Issue of Wellbeing
Global Studies of Childhood 4 (2), 64-76, 2014
Voice-Inclusive Practice (vip): A Charter for Authentic Student Engagement
J Sargeant, JK Gillett-Swan
The International Journal of Children's Rights 27 (1), 122-139, 2019
Perils of perspective: Identifying adult confidence in the child’s capacity, autonomy, power and agency (CAPA) in readiness for voice-inclusive practice
JK Gillett-Swan, J Sargeant
Journal of Educational Change 20 (3), 399-421, 2019
Children, classrooms and challenging behaviour: do the rights of the many outweigh the rights of the few?
JK Gillett-Swan, L Lundy
Oxford Review of Education 48 (1), 95-111, 2022
Does it matter if students (dis) like school? Associations between school liking, teacher and school connectedness, and exclusionary discipline
LJ Graham, J Gillett-Swan, C Killingly, P Van Bergen
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 2022
Addressing mentor wellbeing in practicum placement mentoring relationships in initial teacher education
J Gillett-Swan, D Grant-Smith
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education 9 (4), 393-409, 2020
‘It’s the worst, but real experience is invaluable’: pre-service teacher perspectives of the costs and benefits of professional experience
D Grant-Smith, L Zwaan, R Chapman, J Gillett-Swan
Teacher education in and for uncertain times, 15-33, 2018
Inclusive education as a human right
J Davis, J Gillett-Swan, LJ Graham, C Malaquias
Inclusive education for the 21st century, 79-99, 2020
Children’s analysis processes when analysing qualitative research data: a missing piece to the qualitative research puzzle
JK Gillett-Swan
Qualitative Research 18 (3), 290-306, 2018
Managing the personal impact of practicum: Examining the experiences of graduate diploma in education students
D Grant-Smith, J Gillett-Swan
Teacher education policy and practice: Evidence of impact, impact of …, 2017
Unintentional power plays: interpersonal contextual impacts in child-centred participatory research
JK Gillett-Swan, J Sargeant
Educational Research 60 (1), 1-16, 2018
‘You Can't Have Well‐being If You're Dead… or Can You?’Children's Realistic and Logical Approach to Discussing Life, Death and Wellbeing
JK Gillett‐Swan
Children & Society 31 (6), 497-509, 2017
論文 1–20