Alexander Gabovich
Alexander Gabovich
Chief Research Associate, Institute of Physics, Kiev, Ukraine
確認したメール アドレス: iop.kiev.ua - ホームページ
Charge-and spin-density waves in existing superconductors: competition between Cooper pairing and Peierls or excitonic instabilities
AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko, M Ausloos
Physics Reports 367 (6), 583-709, 2002
Charge-and spin-density-wave superconductors
AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko, JF Annett, M Ausloos
Superconductor Science and Technology 14 (4), R1, 2001
Metal oxide superconductor BaPb1–xBixO3: Unusual properties and new applications
AM Gabovich, DP Moiseev
Soviet Physics Uspekhi 29 (12), 1135, 1986
Competition of superconductivity and charge density waves in cuprates: Recent evidence and interpretation
AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko, T Ekino, MS Li, H Szymczak, M Pękała
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2010 (1), 681070, 2010
How to explain the non-zero mass of electromagnetic radiation consisting of zero-mass photons
AM Gabovich, NA Gabovich
European Journal of Physics 28 (4), 649, 2007
Electrostatic energy and screened charge interaction near the surface of metals with different Fermi surface shape
AM Gabovich, LG Il'Chenko, EA Pashitskii, YA Romanov
Surface Science 94 (1), 179-203, 1980
Superconductors with charge-and spin-density waves: theory and experiment
AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko
Low Temperature Physics 26 (5), 305-330, 2000
Thermodynamics of Superconductors with Charge‐and Spin‐Density Waves
AM Gabovich, AS Gerber, AS Shpigel
physica status solidi (b) 141 (2), 575-587, 1987
Charge-density-wave origin of the dip-hump structure in tunnel spectra of the BSCCO superconductor
AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (6), 064516, 2007
Tunneling spectroscopy of normal metals with charge-density or spin-density waves
AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko
Physical Review B 52 (10), 7437, 1995
Josephson tunnelling involving superconductors with charge-density waves
AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9 (19), 3901, 1997
Thermodynamics of superconductors with charge-density waves
AM Gabovich, MS Li, H Szymczak, AI Voitenko
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (17), 2745, 2003
Upper critical magnetic field of superconductors with a dielectric gap on the Fermi-surface sections
AM Gabovich, AS Shpigel
Physical Review B 38 (1), 297, 1988
Dynamical image forces in three-layer systems and field emission
AM Gabovich, VM Rosenbaum, AI Voitenko
Surface science 186 (3), 523-549, 1987
Charge screening and electron density Friedel oscillations in metals with different Fermi surface shape
AM Gabovich, LG Il’chenko, EA Pashitskii, YA Romanov
J. Exp. Theor. Phys 75, 249-264, 1978
Transport properties of bulk and thin-film MgB2 superconductors: effects of preparation conditions
VA Drozd, AM Gabovich, P Gierłowski, M Pękała, H Szymczak
Physica C: Superconductivity 402 (4), 325-334, 2004
Nonstationary Josephson effect for superconductors with charge-density waves
AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko
Physical Review B 55 (2), 1081, 1997
Temperature-dependent pseudogap-like features in tunnel spectra ofhigh-Tc cuprates as a manifestation of charge-density waves
T Ekino, AM Gabovich, MS Li, M Pekała, H Szymczak, AI Voitenko
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (42), 425218, 2008
Asymmetrical tunneling between similar metallic junctions with charge-density or spin-density waves: the case of broken symmetry
AM Gabovich, AI Voitenko
Physical Review B 56 (13), 7785, 1997
Thermodynamic properties of superconducting ceramics BaPb1-xBixO3
AM Gabovich, DP Moiseev, AS Shpigel
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 15 (18), L569, 1982
論文 1–20