Aspa Baroutsis
Pedagogic voice: Student voice in teaching and engagement pedagogies
A Baroutsis, G McGregor, M Mills
Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1-18, 2015
Counting and comparing school performance: An analysis of media coverage of PISA in Australia, 2000–2014
A Baroutsis, B Lingard
Journal of Education Policy 32 (4), 432-449, 2017
Alternative education and social justice: Considering issues of affective and contributive justice
M Mills, G McGregor, A Baroutsis, K Te Riele, D Hayes
Critical Studies in Education, 1-16, 2015
Researching the habitus of global policy actors in education
B Lingard, S Sellar, A Baroutsis
Cambridge Journal of Education 45 (1), 25-42, 2015
Media accounts of school performance: Reinforcing dominant practices of accountability
A Baroutsis
Journal of Education Policy, 1-16, 2016
Media representation of teachers across five countries
B Alhamdan, K Al-Saadi, A Baroutsis, A Du Plessis, OM Hamid, E Honan
Comparative Education 50 (4), 490-505, 2014
Student voice and the community forum: Finding ways of ‘being heard’at an alternative school for disenfranchised young people
A Baroutsis, M Mills, G McGregor, K Riele, D Hayes
British Educational Research Journal, 2015
Re-imagining schooling for education
G McGregor, M Mills, K Te Riele, A Baroutsis, D Hayes, G McGregor, ...
Re-imagining Schooling for Education: Socially Just Alternatives, 161-183, 2017
Exploring the affective dimension of teachers' work in alternative school settings
K Te Riele, M Mills, G McGregor, A Baroutsis
Teaching in alternative and flexible education settings, 56-71, 2019
Understanding children’s perspectives of classroom writing practices through drawings
A Baroutsis, L Kervin, A Woods, B Comber
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 20 (2), 177-193, 2019
Understanding media mentalities and logics: Institutional and journalistic practices, and the reporting of teachers’ work
A Baroutsis
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 40 (4), 545-559, 2019
Teachers using classroom data well: Identifying key features of effective practices
P Renshaw, A Baroutsis, C van Kraayenoord, M Goos, S Dole
How is autism portrayed in news media? A content analysis of Australian newspapers articles from 2016–2018
A Baroutsis, C Eckert, S Newman, D Adams
Disability & Society 38 (6), 963-986, 2023
Teaching in alternative and flexible education settings
M Mills, K te Riele, G McGregor, A Baroutsis
Teaching Education 28 (1), 8-11, 2017
Education research and the media*
A Baroutsis, S Riddle, P Thomson
Routledge. https://play. google. com/store/books/details, 2018
Social geography, space, and place in education
A Baroutsis, B Comber, A Woods
Oxford research encyclopedia of education, 2017
Sociomaterial assemblages, entanglements and text production: Mapping pedagogic practices using time-lapse photography
A Baroutsis
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 20 (4), 732-754, 2020
Headlines and hashtags herald new ‘damaging effects’: Media and Australia’s declining PISA performance
A Baroutsis, B Lingard
Education Research and the Media, 27-46, 2018
Student voice and teacher voice in educational research: A systematic review of 25 years of literature from 1995–2020
J Gillett-Swan, A Baroutsis
Oxford Review of Education 50 (4), 533-551, 2024
Children resisting deficit: What can children tell us about literate lives?
A Baroutsis, A Woods
Global Studies of Childhood 8 (4), 325-338, 2018
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