Moses Azong Cho
Moses Azong Cho
Professor, University of Pretoria and Chief scientist and Research Group Leader, Precision
確認したメール アドレス: csir.co.za
High density biomass estimation for wetland vegetation using WorldView-2 imagery and random forest regression algorithm
O Mutanga, E Adam, MA Cho
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 18 …, 2012
A new technique for extracting the red edge position from hyperspectral data: The linear extrapolation method
MA Cho, AK Skidmore
Remote sensing of environment 101 (2), 181-193, 2006
LAI and chlorophyll estimation for a heterogeneous grassland using hyperspectral measurements
R Darvishzadeh, A Skidmore, M Schlerf, C Atzberger, F Corsi, M Cho
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 63 (4), 409-426, 2008
Estimation of green grass/herb biomass from airborne hyperspectral imagery using spectral indices and partial least squares regression
MA Cho, A Skidmore, F Corsi, SE Van Wieren, I Sobhan
International journal of applied Earth observation and geoinformation 9 (4 …, 2007
An investigation into robust spectral indices for leaf chlorophyll estimation
R Main, MA Cho, R Mathieu, MM O’Kennedy, A Ramoelo, S Koch
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66 (6), 751-761, 2011
Classification of savanna tree species, in the Greater Kruger National Park region, by integrating hyperspectral and LiDAR data in a Random Forest data mining environment
L Naidoo, MA Cho, R Mathieu, G Asner
ISPRS journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 69, 167-179, 2012
Framing the concept of satellite remote sensing essential biodiversity variables: challenges and future directions
N Pettorelli, M Wegmann, A Skidmore, S Mücher, TP Dawson, ...
Remote sensing in ecology and conservation 2 (3), 122-131, 2016
Mapping tree species composition in South African savannas using an integrated airborne spectral and LiDAR system
MA Cho, R Mathieu, GP Asner, L Naidoo, JAN Van Aardt, A Ramoelo, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 125, 214-226, 2012
Regional estimation of savanna grass nitrogen using the red-edge band of the spaceborne RapidEye sensor
A Ramoelo, AK Skidmore, MA Cho, M Schlerf, R Mathieu, IMA Heitkönig
International journal of applied Earth observation and geoinformation 19 …, 2012
Monitoring grass nutrients and biomass as indicators of rangeland quality and quantity using random forest modelling and WorldView-2 data
A Ramoelo, MA Cho, R Mathieu, S Madonsela, R Van De Kerchove, ...
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 43, 43-54, 2015
Improving discrimination of savanna tree species through a multiple-endmember spectral angle mapper approach: Canopy-level analysis
MA Cho, P Debba, R Mathieu, L Naidoo, JAN Van Aardt, GP Asner
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48 (11), 4133-4142, 2010
Non-linear partial least square regression increases the estimation accuracy of grass nitrogen and phosphorus using in situ hyperspectral and environmental data
A Ramoelo, AK Skidmore, MA Cho, R Mathieu, IMA Heitkönig, ...
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 82, 27-40, 2013
Potential of Sentinel-2 spectral configuration to assess rangeland quality
A Ramoelo, M Cho, R Mathieu, AK Skidmore
Journal of applied remote sensing 9 (1), 094096-094096, 2015
Model-based integrated methods for quantitative estimation of soil salinity from hyperspectral remote sensing data: A case study of selected South African soils
ZE Mashimbye, MA Cho, JP Nell, WP De Clercq, A Van Niekerk, ...
Pedosphere 22 (5), 640-649, 2012
Exploiting machine learning algorithms for tree species classification in a semiarid woodland using RapidEye image
S Adelabu, O Mutanga, E Adam, MA Cho
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 7 (1), 073480-073480, 2013
Remote sensing of species diversity using Landsat 8 spectral variables
S Madonsela, MA Cho, A Ramoelo, O Mutanga
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 133, 116-127, 2017
Multi-phenology WorldView-2 imagery improves remote sensing of savannah tree species
S Madonsela, MA Cho, R Mathieu, O Mutanga, A Ramoelo, Ż Kaszta, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 58, 65-73, 2017
Assessing the utility WorldView-2 imagery for tree species mapping in South African subtropical humid forest and the conservation implications: Dukuduku forest patch as case study
MA Cho, O Malahlela, A Ramoelo
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 38 …, 2015
Towards red‐edge positions less sensitive to canopy biophysical parameters for leaf chlorophyll estimation using properties optique spectrales des feuilles (PROSPECT) and …
MA Cho, AK Skidmore, C Atzberger
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (8), 2241-2255, 2008
Toward structural assessment of semi-arid African savannahs and woodlands: The potential of multitemporal polarimetric RADARSAT-2 fine beam images
R Mathieu, L Naidoo, MA Cho, B Leblon, R Main, K Wessels, GP Asner, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 138, 215-231, 2013
論文 1–20