Anketa Kumar
Anketa Kumar
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Fashion Technology
確認したメール アドレス: nift.ac.in - ホームページ
Advances in intelligent systems, computer science and digital economics III
Z Hu, Y Wang, M He
Springer International Publishing, 2022
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and cytotoxic properties of fungal endophytes from Garcinia species
K Ruma, K Sunil, HS Prakash
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci 5 (3), 889-897, 2013
DCT-PCA based method for copy-move forgery detection
K Sunil, D Jagan, M Shaktidev
ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention …, 2014
Heterosis and combining ability studies for yield and quality traits in tomato
BS Asati, G Singh, N Rai, AK Chaturbedi
Vegetable Science, 2007
Bioactive potential of endophytic Myrothecium sp. isolate M1-CA-102, associated with Calophyllum apetalum
K Ruma, K Sunil, HS Prakash
Pharmaceutical Biology 52 (6), 665-676, 2014
Genetic diversity analysis of rice genotypes collected from different villages of Chhattisgarh using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers
S Kumar, K Tantwai, PR Kottapalli, SK Katiyar
Advances in Plant Sciences 25 (2), 419-422, 2014
Genetic diversity and antimicrobial activity of endophytic Myrothecium spp. isolated from Calophyllum apetalum and Garcinia morella
K Ruma, K Sunil, KR Kini, HS Prakash
Molecular Biology Reports 42, 1533-1543, 2015
Effect of malathion on haematological parameters of a fresh water fish Labeo rohita
L Pathak, DP Singh, S Kumar
Bionotes 11 (2), 68, 2009
Effect of different levels of boron and sulphur on growth of chickpea with mustard intercropping system
S Kumar, SK Patel, G Ghosh
Trends in Biosciences 6 (2), 188-189, 2013
Bhuvan Shome – An Analysis with Reference to 5 codes of Roland Barthes
A Kumar
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020
Screening for salinity tolerance at vegetative and reproductive stages in rice (Oryza sativa L.).
VK Mishra, DK Dwivedi, SK Sunil Kumar, OP Verma
Shatranj ke Khilari–A Semiological Analysis with Roland Barthes Approach
K Anketa, K Sunil
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 23 (04), 2019
Heterosis for Grain Yield and Its Related Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Submergence Condition
S Kumar, M Yadav, DK Dwivedi
Trends in Biosciences 7 (4), 281-285, 2014
Virtuosity of Raja Ravi Varma and Shyam Benegal’s Bhumika – A Visual Relation
RK Anketa Kumar
ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, 2022
MALDI-TOF MS and Molecular methods for identifying Multidrug resistant clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii
K Sunil, A Razique, Y Mukesh, S Nirmala, S Manoj, K Vikas
Research Journal of Biotechnology Vol 16, 6, 2021
Craft Design: Imperceptible to Perceptible=Usta
A Kumar
Art, Design and Society Global Perspective, 2021
Unravelling Cultural Code in Junoon: A Narrative through Costumes
A Kumar
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 13 (12), 2020
The Influence of Hindi Cinema on Fashion and Society in India and Vice Versa
A Kumar
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 13 (12), 2020
Socio-Personal and economic characteristics of vegetable growers in Mau district of Uttar Pradesh.
RP Ramvinay Pal, DK Singh, BP Bhagyashree Patilkhede, ...
Knowledge level about vegetable practices by vegetable growers in Mau district of eastern Uttar Pradesh.
RP Ramvinay Pal, DK Singh, BP Bhagyashree Patilkhede, ...
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