オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Franz Rendl詳細
一般公開: 9 件
Quantum annealing versus digital computing: An experimental comparison
M Jünger, E Lobe, P Mutzel, G Reinelt, F Rendl, G Rinaldi, T Stollenwerk
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 26, 1-30, 2021
委任: German Research Foundation, European Commission
A computational study of exact subgraph based SDP bounds for Max-Cut, stable set and coloring
E Gaar, F Rendl
Mathematical Programming 183 (1), 283-308, 2020
委任: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
Using a factored dual in augmented Lagrangian methods for semidefinite programming
M De Santis, F Rendl, A Wiegele
Operations Research Letters 46 (5), 523-528, 2018
委任: Austrian Science Fund
A bundle approach for SDPs with exact subgraph constraints
E Gaar, F Rendl
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 20th International …, 2019
委任: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
An infeasible active set method with combinatorial line search for convex quadratic problems with bound constraints
P Hungerländer, F Rendl
Optimization Group, Technical Report, Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt …, 2016
委任: Austrian Science Fund
Computing quasisolutions of nonlinear inverse problems via efficient minimization of trust region problems
B Kaltenbacher, F Rendl, E Resmerita
Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems 24 (4), 435-447, 2016
委任: European Commission
Lower bounds for the bandwidth problem
F Rendl, R Sotirov, C Truden
Computers & Operations Research 135, 105422, 2021
委任: Austrian Science Fund, European Commission
In memoriam Gerhard Woeginger
JK Lenstra, F Rendl, F Spieksma, M Uetz
Journal of Scheduling 25 (5), 503-505, 2022
委任: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
A recursive semi-smooth Newton method for linear complementarity problems
P Hungerländer, J Júdice, F Rendl
tech. report, 2017. 3, 2017
委任: Austrian Science Fund, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
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