Soumya Ray
Soumya Ray
Distinguished Professor, Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University
確認したメール アドレス: iss.nthu.edu.tw - ホームページ
Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Using R: A Workbook
JF Hair Jr, GTM Hult, CM Ringle, M Sarstedt, NP Danks, S Ray
Springer Nature, 2021
The elephant in the room: Predictive performance of PLS models
G Shmueli, S Ray, JMV Estrada, SB Chatla
Journal of Business Research 69 (10), 4552-4564, 2016
Examining cloud computing adoption intention, pricing mechanism, and deployment model
PF Hsu, S Ray, YY Li-Hsieh
International Journal of Information Management 34 (4), 474-488, 2014
The Central Role of Engagement in Online Communities
S Ray, SS Kim, JG Morris
Information Systems Research 25 (3), 528-546, 2014
Understanding fintech continuance: perspectives from self-efficacy and ECT-IS theories
WL Shiau, Y Yuan, X Pu, S Ray, CC Chen
Industrial Management & Data Systems 120 (9), 1659-1689, 2020
Prediction‐oriented model selection in partial least squares path modeling
PN Sharma, G Shmueli, M Sarstedt, N Danks, S Ray
Decision Sciences 52 (3), 567-607, 2018
Research Note—Online Users' Switching Costs: Their Nature and Formation
S Ray, SS Kim, JG Morris
Information Systems Research 23 (1), 197-213, 2012
Security Assurance: How Online Service Providers Can Influence Security Control Perceptions and Gain Trust
S Ray, T Ow, SS Kim
Decision Sciences 42 (2), 391-412, 2011
Predictions from Partial Least Squares Models
NP Danks, S Ray
Applying Partial Least Squares in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 35-52, 2018
Habit and addiction in the use of social networking sites: Their nature, antecedents, and consequences
DB Seo, S Ray
Computers in Human Behavior 99, 109-125, 2019
Beyond fair pay: Ethical implications of NLP crowdsourcing
B Shmueli, J Fell, S Ray, LW Ku
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.10097, 2021
What Leads to Prosocial Behaviors on Social Networking Services: A Tripartite Model
J Kuem, S Ray, M Siponen, SS Kim
Journal of Management Information Systems 34 (1), 40-70, 2017
SEMinR: Domain-specific language for building, estimating, and visualizing structural equation models in R
S Ray, N Danks, A Calero Valdez
Estimating, and Visualizing Structural Equation Models in R (August 6, 2021), 2021
Cyberloafing in the workplace: mitigation tactics and their impact on individuals’ behavior
L Khansa, R Barkhi, S Ray, Z Davis
Information Technology and Management 19, 197-215, 2018
Adjusting to the GDPR: The impact on data scientists and behavioral researchers
T Greene, G Shmueli, S Ray, J Fell
Big data 7 (3), 140-162, 2019
Smartphone addiction and conflict: an incentive-sensitisation perspective of addiction for information systems
J Kuem, S Ray, PF Hsu, L Khansa
European Journal of Information Systems 30 (4), 403-424, 2021
Reproducibility in Management Science
M Fišar, B Greiner, C Huber, E Katok, AI Ozkes, ...
Management Science 70 (3), 1343-1356, 2024
The interplay of conscious and automatic mechanisms in the context of routine use: An integrative and comparative study of contrasting mechanisms
S Ray, DB Seo
Information & Management 50 (7), 523-539, 2013
Reactive Supervision: A New Method for Collecting Sarcasm Data
B Shmueli, LW Ku, S Ray
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2020
Evaluating the predictive performance of composites in PLS path modeling
N Danks, S Ray, G Shmueli
Available at SSRN 3055222, 2017
論文 1–20