Hock-Hai Teo
Hock-Hai Teo
Professor of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore
確認したメール アドレス: comp.nus.edu.sg - ホームページ
Predicting intention to adopt interorganizational linkages: An institutional perspective
HH Teo, KK Wei, I Benbasat
MIS quarterly, 19-49, 2003
The role of push-pull technology in privacy calculus: the case of location-based services
H Xu, HH Teo, BCY Tan, R Agarwal
Journal of management information systems 26 (3), 135-174, 2009
The value of privacy assurance: An exploratory field experiment
KL Hui, HH Teo, SYT Lee
Mis Quarterly 31 (1), 19-33, 2007
An integrative study of information systems security effectiveness
A Kankanhalli, HH Teo, BCY Tan, KK Wei
International journal of information management 23 (2), 139-154, 2003
An empirical study of the effects of interactivity on web user attitude
HH Teo, LB Oh, C Liu, KK Wei
International journal of human-computer studies 58 (3), 281-305, 2003
Conceptualizing and testing a social cognitive model of the digital divide
KK Wei, HH Teo, HC Chan, BCY Tan
Information Systems Research 22 (1), 170-187, 2011
The effects of retail channel integration through the use of information technologies on firm performance
LB Oh, HH Teo, V Sambamurthy
Journal of operations management 30 (5), 368-381, 2012
Effects of Individual Self-Protection, Industry Self-Regulation, and Government Regulation on Privacy Concerns: A Study of Location-Based Services
H Xu, HH Teo, BCY Tan, R Agarwal
Information Systems Research, 2012
Senior citizens' acceptance of information systems: A study in the context of e-government services
CW Phang, J Sutanto, A Kankanhalli, Y Li, BCY Tan, HH Teo
Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on 53 (4), 555-569, 2006
Evaluating information accessibility and community adaptivity features for sustaining virtual learning communities
HH Teo, HC Chan, KK Wei, Z Zhang
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 59 (5), 671-697, 2003
Formal control and social control in domestic and international buyer–supplier relationships
Y Li, E Xie, HH Teo, MW Peng
Journal of operations management 28 (4), 333-344, 2010
Perceived effectiveness of text vs. multimedia location-based advertising messaging
H Xu, LB Oh, HH Teo
International Journal of Mobile Communications 7 (2), 154-177, 2009
Information technology and open innovation: A strategic alignment perspective
T Cui, HJ Ye, HH Teo, J Li
Information & Management 52 (3), 348-358, 2015
Role of artificial intelligence applications in real-life clinical practice: systematic review
J Yin, KY Ngiam, HH Teo
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (4), e25759, 2021
Consumer value co-creation in a hybrid commerce service-delivery system
LB Oh, HH Teo
International Journal of Electronic Commerce 14 (3), 35-62, 2010
Organizational transformation using electronic data interchange: The case of TradeNet in Singapore
HH Teo, BCY Tan, KK Wei
Journal of Management Information Systems 13, 139-166, 1997
Volunteering personal information on the internet: Effects of reputation, privacy notices, and rewards on online consumer behavior
E Xie, HH Teo, W Wan
Marketing letters 17, 61-74, 2006
Predicting the adoption of location-based services: the role of trust and perceived privacy risk
H Xu, HH Teo, BCY Tan
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Information Systems, 11-14, 2005
Effects of environmental uncertainty on organizational intention to adopt distributed work arrangements
CL Sia, HH Teo, BCY Tan, KK Wei
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 51 (3), 253-267, 2004
Innovative usage of information technology in Singapore organizations: Do CIO characteristics make a difference?
Y Li, CH Tan, HH Teo, BCY Tan
Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on 53 (2), 177-190, 2006
論文 1–20