オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Kadir Atalay詳細
一般には非公開: 6 件
The effect of retirement on elderly cognitive functioning
K Atalay, GF Barrett, A Staneva
Journal of health economics 66, 37-53, 2019
委任: Australian Research Council
The causal effect of retirement on health: New evidence from Australian pension reform
K Atalay, GF Barrett
Economics Letters 125 (3), 392-395, 2014
委任: Australian Research Council
Effects of house prices on health: New evidence from Australia
K Atalay, R Edwards, BYJ Liu
Social Science & Medicine 192, 36-48, 2017
委任: Australian Research Council
Pension incentives and the joint retirement of couples: Evidence from two natural experiments
K Atalay, GF Barrett, P Siminski
Journal of Population Economics 32, 735-767, 2019
委任: Australian Research Council
The effect of retirement on home production: evidence from Australia
K Atalay, GF Barrett, A Staneva
Review of Economics of the Household 18, 117-139, 2020
委任: Australian Research Council
The effect of a wife’s retirement on her husband’s mental health
K Atalay, R Zhu
Applied Economics 50 (43), 4606-4616, 2018
委任: Australian Research Council
一般公開: 14 件
The impact of age pension eligibility age on retirement and program dependence: Evidence from an Australian experiment
K Atalay, GF Barrett
Review of Economics and Statistics 97 (1), 71-87, 2015
委任: Australian Research Council
Housing wealth, fertility intentions and fertility
K Atalay, A Li, S Whelan
Journal of Housing Economics 54, 101787, 2021
委任: Australian Research Council
House prices, wealth and consumption: New evidence from a ustralia and c anada
K Atalay, S Whelan, J Yates
Review of Income and Wealth 62 (1), 69-91, 2016
委任: Australian Research Council
Do the Rich Save More? Evidence from C anada
S Alan, K Atalay, TF Crossley
Review of Income and Wealth 61 (4), 739-758, 2015
委任: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, UK Economic and …
House price shocks, credit constraints and household indebtedness
K Atalay, GF Barrett, R Edwards, C Yu
Oxford Economic Papers 72 (3), 780-803, 2020
委任: Australian Research Council
Retirement routes and the well-being of retirees
K Atalay, G Barrett
Empirical Economics 63 (5), 2751-2784, 2022
委任: Australian Research Council
Pension incentives and the retirement decisions of couples
K Atalay, GF Barrett
IZA Discussion paper, 2016
委任: Australian Research Council
Euler equation estimation on micro data
S Alan, K Atalay, TF Crossley
Macroeconomic dynamics 23 (8), 3267-3292, 2019
委任: Australian Research Council, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council …
Mortality inequality, spatial differences and health care access
K Atalay, R Edwards, F Georgiakakis
Health Economics 32 (11), 2632-2654, 2023
委任: Australian Research Council
Zero-COVID policies: Melbourne’s 112-day hard lockdown experiment harmed mostly mothers
S Schurer, K Atalay, N Glozier, E Vera-Toscano, M Wooden
medRxiv, 2022.01. 30.22270130, 2022
委任: Australian Research Council
Unsticking credit card repayments from the minimum: Advice, anchors and financial incentives
P Hendy, R Slonim, K Atalay
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 30, 100505, 2021
委任: Australian Research Council
Quantifying the human impact of Melbourne’s 111-day hard lockdown experiment on the adult population
S Schurer, K Atalay, N Glozier, E Vera-Toscano, M Wooden
Nature human behaviour 7 (10), 1652-1666, 2023
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Waiting to get a pension: The impact of pension eligibility on psychological distress
K Atalay, A Staneva
Health Economics, 1-16, 2022
委任: Australian Research Council
Mortality Inequality: New Evidence from Australia
K Atalay, R Edwards, F Georgiakakis
Life Course Centre Working Paper, 2022
委任: Australian Research Council
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