Raphael Vanderstichel, DVM, PhD
Raphael Vanderstichel, DVM, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Wyoming, USA
確認したメール アドレス: uwyo.edu
Managing marine disease emergencies in an era of rapid change
ML Groner, J Maynard, R Breyta, RB Carnegie, A Dobson, CS Friedman, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
The two-step Fagan's nomogram: ad hoc interpretation of a diagnostic test result without calculation.
CG Caraguel, R Vanderstichel
Evidence-based medicine, 2013
Heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) disease diagnosed on a British Columbia salmon farm through a longitudinal farm study
E Di Cicco, HW Ferguson, AD Schulze, KH Kaukinen, S Li, ...
PLoS One 12 (2), e0171471, 2017
Trichomoniasis in finches from the Canadian Maritime provinces—an emerging disease
MJ Forzán, R Vanderstichel, YF Melekhovets, S McBurney
The Canadian Veterinary Journal 51 (4), 391, 2010
A multicentre prevalence study in Europe on Giardia duodenalis in calves, with molecular identification and risk factor analysis
T Geurden, R Vanderstichel, H Pohle, A Ehsan, ...
Veterinary parasitology 190 (3-4), 383-390, 2012
Report on the performance evaluation of the Fluidigm BioMark platform for high-throughput microbe monitoring in salmon
KM Miller, IA Gardner, R Vanderstichel, T Burnley, D Angela, S Li, ...
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ecosystems and Oceans Science, 2016
Effects of surgical and chemical sterilization on the behavior of free-roaming male dogs in Puerto Natales, Chile
E Garde, GE Pérez, R Vanderstichel, PF Dalla Villa, JA Serpell
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 123, 106-120, 2016
Litterbox size preference in domestic cats (Felis catus)
NC Guy, M Hopson, R Vanderstichel
Journal of Veterinary Behavior 9 (2), 78-82, 2014
Transmission of Piscirickettsia salmonis among salt water salmonid farms in Chile
EE Rees, R Ibarra, M Medina, J Sanchez, E Jakob, R Vanderstichel, ...
Aquaculture 428, 189-194, 2014
Comparison of mark-resight methods to estimate abundance and rabies vaccination coverage of free-roaming dogs in two urban areas of south Bhutan
T Tenzin, JS McKenzie, R Vanderstichel, BD Rai, K Rinzin, Y Tshering, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 118 (4), 436-448, 2015
Evaluation of anti-Ostertagia ostertagi antibodies in individual milk samples as decision parameter for selective anthelmintic treatment in dairy cows
J Charlier, J Vercruysse, J Smith, R Vanderstichel, H Stryhn, E Claerebout, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 93 (2-3), 147-152, 2010
Changes in blood testosterone concentrations after surgical and chemical sterilization of male free-roaming dogs in southern Chile
R Vanderstichel, MJ Forzán, GE Pérez, JA Serpell, E Garde
Theriogenology 83 (6), 1021-1027, 2015
The use of kernel density estimation with a bio-physical model provides a method to quantify connectivity among salmon farms: spatial planning and management with …
DL Cantrell, EE Rees, R Vanderstichel, J Grant, R Filgueira, CW Revie
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 5, 269, 2018
Causes of mortality of harbor porpoises Phocoena phocoena along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Canada
H Fenton, PY Daoust, MJ Forzán, RV Vanderstichel, JKB Ford, L Spaven, ...
Diseases of aquatic organisms 122 (3), 171-183, 2017
Prevalence of feline herpesvirus-1, feline calicivirus, Chlamydia felis, and Bordetella bronchiseptica in a population of shelter cats on Prince Edward Island
J Walter, P Foley, C Yason, R Vanderstichel, A Muckle
Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research 84 (3), 181-188, 2020
Histopathological and novel high-throughput molecular monitoring data from farmed salmon (Salmo salar and Oncorhynchus spp.) in British Columbia, Canada, from 2011–2013
E Laurin, D Jaramillo, R Vanderstichel, H Ferguson, KH Kaukinen, ...
Aquaculture 499, 220-234, 2019
Evaluating the effect of synchronized sea lice treatments in Chile
G Arriagada, H Stryhn, J Sanchez, R Vanderstichel, JL Campistó, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 136, 1-10, 2017
Replication of 2 subtypes of low-pathogenicity avian influenza virus of duck and gull origins in experimentally infected mallard ducks
PY Daoust, M van de Bildt, D van Riel, G van Amerongen, T Bestebroer, ...
Veterinary Pathology 50 (3), 548-559, 2013
Detection and assessment of the distribution of infectious agents in juvenile Fraser River Sockeye Salmon, Canada, in 2012 and 2013
O Nekouei, R Vanderstichel, T Ming, KH Kaukinen, K Thakur, A Tabata, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 3221, 2018
Necrosuppurative orchitis and scrotal necrotizing dermatitis following intratesticular administration of zinc gluconate neutralized with arginine (EsterilSol) in 2 mixed-breed dogs
MJ Forzán, E Garde, GE Perez, RV Vanderstichel
Veterinary Pathology 51 (4), 820-823, 2014
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