David Storz
David Storz
確認したメール アドレス: em.uni-frankfurt.de
Seasonal and interannual variability of the planktic foraminiferal flux in the vicinity of the Azores Current
D Storz, H Schulz, JJ Waniek, DE Schulz-Bull, M Kučera
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 56 (1), 107-124, 2009
The coralline red alga Lithophyllum kotschyanum f. affine as proxy of climate variability in the Yemen coast, Gulf of Aden (NW Indian Ocean)
A Caragnano, D Basso, DE Jacob, D Storz, G Rodondi, F Benzoni, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 124, 1-17, 2014
Sizes, shapes, and patterns of coral reefs in the Maldives, Indian Ocean: the influence of wind, storms, and precipitation on a major tropical carbonate platform
E Gischler, D Storz, D Schmitt
Carbonates and Evaporites 29, 73-87, 2014
Sedimentary record of late Holocene event beds in a mid-ocean atoll lagoon, Maldives, Indian Ocean: Potential for deposition by tsunamis
L Klostermann, E Gischler, D Storz, JH Hudson
Marine Geology 348, 37-43, 2014
Coral extension rates in the NW Indian Ocean I: reconstruction of 20th century SST variability and monsoon current strength
D Storz, E Gischler
Geo-Marine Letters 31, 141-154, 2011
High-resolution windows into Holocene climate using proxy data from Belize corals (Central America)
E Gischler, D Storz
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 89, 211-221, 2009
Growth of Pleistocene massive corals in south Florida: low skeletal extension-rates and possible ENSO, decadal, and multi-decadal cyclicities
E Gischler, JH Hudson, D Storz
Coral Reefs 28, 823-830, 2009
Evaluation of oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca ratios from a Maldivian scleractinian coral for reconstruction of climate variability in the northwestern Indian Ocean
D Storz, E Gischler, J Fiebig, A Eisenhauer, D Garbe-Schoenberg
Palaios 28 (1), 42-55, 2013
Changes in diversity and assemblages of foraminifera through the Holocene in an atoll from the Maldives, Indian Ocean
D Storz, E Gischler, J Parker, L Klostermann
Marine Micropaleontology 106, 40-54, 2014
Coral extension rates in the NW Indian Ocean II: reconstruction of 20th century Indian monsoon strength and rainfall over India
D Storz, E Gischler
Geo-Marine Letters 31, 155-162, 2011
Elemental variability in the coralline alga Lithophyllum yemenense as an archive of past climate in the Gulf of Aden (NW Indian Ocean)
A Caragnano, D Basso, D Storz, DE Jacob, F Ragazzola, F Benzoni, ...
Journal of Phycology 53 (2), 381-395, 2017
The Reconstruction of Past Climate Variability in the NW Indian Ocean Based on a Coral Proxy Record from the Maldives:(8 Tabellen)
D Storz
The reconstruction of past climate variability in the NW Indian Ocean based on a coral proxy record from the Maldives
D Storz
Frankfurt (Main), Univ., Diss., 2010, 2010
Pacific climate forcing recorded in coral proxy record from the Maldives (Indian Ocean)
DM Storz, E Gischler
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2009, PP11A-1299, 2009
(Table B b) Flux of planktic foraminiferal species in sediment trap series L1/K276-22 at 3000 m water depth
D Storz, H Schulz, JJ Waniek, DE Schulz-Bull, M Kucera
(Table C a) Relative contributions of planktic foraminiferal species in sediment trap series L1/K276-23 at 3000 m water depth
D Storz, H Schulz, JJ Waniek, DE Schulz-Bull, M Kucera
(Table B a) Relative contributions of planktic foraminiferal species in sediment trap series L1/K276-22 at 3000 m water depth
D Storz, H Schulz, JJ Waniek, DE Schulz-Bull, M Kucera
(Table C b) Flux of planktic foraminiferal species in sediment trap series L1/K276-23 at 3000 m water depth
D Storz, H Schulz, JJ Waniek, DE Schulz-Bull, M Kucera
Planktic foraminiferal flux and faunal composition of sediment trap L1_K276 in the northeastern Atlantic
D Storz, H Schulz, JJ Waniek, DE Schulz-Bull, M Kucera
(Table A a) Relative contributions of planktic foraminiferal species in sediment trap series L1/K276-22 at 2000 m water depth
D Storz, H Schulz, JJ Waniek, DE Schulz-Bull, M Kucera
論文 1–20