Rod McCall
TimeWarp: interactive time travel with a mobile mixed reality game
I Herbst, AK Braun, R McCall, W Broll
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Human computer …, 2008
Lightweight palm and finger tracking for real-time 3D gesture control
G Hackenberg, R McCall, W Broll
Virtual Reality Conference (VR), 2011 IEEE, 19-26, 2011
Guidelines for designing augmented reality games
R Wetzel, R McCall, AK Braun, W Broll
Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Future Play: Research, Play, Share …, 2008
A taxonomy of autonomous vehicle handover situations
R McCall, F McGee, A Mirnig, A Meschtscherjakov, N Louveton, T Engel, ...
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 124, 507-522, 2019
Using presence to evaluate an augmented reality location aware game
R McCall, R Wetzel, J Löschner, AK Braun
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 15 (1), 25-35, 2011
On the role of presence in mixed reality
I Wagner, W Broll, G Jacucci, K Kuutii, R McCall, A Morrison, ...
Presence: Tele-operators and Virtual Environments 18 (4), 249-276, 2009
Subjective and behavioral presence measurement and interactivity in the collaborative augmented reality game TimeWarp
AM Pütten, J Klatt, S Ten Broeke, R McCall, NC Krämer, R Wetzel, L Blum, ...
Interacting with Computers 24 (4), 2012/4/26, 2012
Towards A Taxonomy of Autonomous Vehicle Handover Situations
R McCall, F McGee, A Meschtscherjakov, N Louveton, T Engel
Automotive User Interfaces and Applications, 2016
Detection of COVID-19 from voice, cough and breathing patterns: Dataset and preliminary results
V Despotovic, M Ismael, M Cornil, R Mc Call, G Fagherazzi
Computers in Biology and Medicine 138, 104944, 2021
The place probe: exploring a sense of place in real and virtual environments
D Benyon, M Smyth, S O'Neill, R McCall, F Carroll
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 15 (6), 668-687, 2006
The final TimeWarp: using form and content to support player experience and presence when designing location-aware mobile augmented reality games
L Blum, R Wetzel, R McCall, L Oppermann, W Broll
Proceedings of the designing interactive systems conference, 711-720, 2012
Control Transition Interfaces in Semiautonomous Vehicles: A Categorization Framework and Literature Analysis
AG Mirnig, M Gärtner, A Laminger, A Meschtscherjakov, S Trösterer, ...
AutomotiveUI '17: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on …, 2017
What's around the corner? Enhancing driver awareness in autonomous vehicles via in-vehicle spatial auditory displays
D Beattie, L Baillie, M Halvey, R McCall
Proceedings of the 8th nordic conference on human-computer interaction: fun …, 2014
Measuring presence in virtual environments
R McCall, S O'Neil, F Carroll
CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 783-784, 2004
Gaming concepts and incentives to change driver behaviour
R McCall, V Koenig
2012 The 11th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net …, 2012
What We Can Learn from Pilots for Handovers and (De)Skilling in Semi-Autonomous Driving: An Interview Study
T Trösterer, S., Meschtscherjakov, A., Mirnig, A.G.,Lupp, A., Gärtner, M ...
AutomotiveUI '17: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on …, 2017
Experiencing autonomous vehicles: crossing the boundaries between a drive and a ride
A Meschtscherjakov, M Tscheligi, D Szostak, R Ratan, R McCall, I Politis, ...
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference extended abstracts on human …, 2015
Re-creating the Botanics: towards a sense of place in virtual environments
S Turner, P Turner, F Carroll, S O’Neill, D Benyon, R McCall, M Smyth
3rd UK Environmental Psychology Conference, Aberdeen, 23-25, 2003
You Never Forget How to Drive: Driver Skilling and Deskilling in the Advent of Autonomous Vehicles
S Trösterer, M Gärtner, A Mirnig, A Meschtscherjakov, R McCall, ...
Automotive User Interfaces and Applications, 2016
Responsive environments, place and presence
R McCall, S O'Neill, F Carroll, D Benyon, M Smyth
PsychNology Journal 3 (1), 33-71, 2005
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