Ana Helena Tavares
Ana Helena Tavares
確認したメール アドレス: ua.pt
COPD profiles and treatable traits using minimal resources: identification, decision tree and stability over time
A Marques, S Souto-Miranda, A Machado, A Oliveira, C Jácome, J Cruz, ...
Respiratory Research 23 (1), 30, 2022
DNA word analysis based on the distribution of the distances between symmetric words
AHMP Tavares, AJ Pinho, RM Silva, JMOS Rodrigues, CAC Bastos, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 728, 2017
Aspectos matemáticos da entropia
AH Tavares
Exceptional symmetry by genomic word: a statistical analysis
V Afreixo, JMOS Rodrigues, CAC Bastos, AHMP Tavares, RM Silva
Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences 9, 14-23, 2017
Detection of exceptional genomic words: a comparison between species
AH Tavares, J Rodrigues, C Bastos, A Pinho, P Ferreira, P Brito, V Afreixo
22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics - COMPSTAT 2016, 2016
The Symmetry of Oligonucleotide Distance Distributions in the Human Genome.
AH Tavares, V Afreixo, JMOS Rodrigues, CAC Bastos
ICPRAM (2), 256-263, 2015
Dissimilar symmetric word pairs in the human genome
AH Tavares, J Raymaekers, PJ Rousseeuw, RM Silva, CAC Bastos, ...
11th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational …, 2017
Respiratory function and upper extremity functional activity performance in people with dementia: a shout for attention
C Paixão, A Tavares, A Marques
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 29 (1), 89-98, 2020
Directional Outlyingness applied to distances between Genomic Words
AH Tavares, V Afreixo, P Brito, P Filzmoser
Proceedings of the 22nd Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2016
Stable Variable Selection Method with Shrinkage Regression Applied to the Selection of Genetic Variants Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease
V Afreixo, AH Tavares, V Enes, M Pinheiro, L Rodrigues, G Moura
Applied Sciences 14 (6), 2572, 2024
Clustering genomic words in human DNA using peaks and trends of distributions
AH Tavares, J Raymaekers, PJ Rousseeuw, P Brito, V Afreixo
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 14 (1), 57-76, 2020
Understanding power at tax investigation-The Portuguese tax inspector’s view
J Marques, AH Tavares
Program and Book of Abstracts XXVI Meeting of the Portuguese Association for …, 2020
Comparing reverse complementary genomic words based on their distance distributions and frequencies
AH Tavares, J Raymaekers, PJ Rousseeuw, RM Silva, CAC Bastos, ...
Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences 10, 1-11, 2018
Consistent Variable Selection in Shrinkage Regression: Alzheimer's Disease and Genomic Data
L Rodrigues, AH Tavares, V Enes, M Pinheiro, G Moura, V Afreixo
Available at SSRN 4244440, 2011
Comparative outcomes in patient blood management: evaluating the efficacy of complete versus incomplete PBM implementation
B Lau, D Ramos, V Afreixo, L Silva, AH Tavares, MM Felgueiras, ...
Research summit 2024-Book of abstracts, 553, 2024
Leveraging Machine Learning for Enhanced Patient Blood Management: Opportunities and Challenges
D Ramos, B Lau, D Gomes, AH Tavares, L Silva, V Afreixo, ...
Research summit 2024-Book of abstracts, 54, 2024
Responsive Regulation and Tax Investigations: The Tax Investigation Diamond Model Assumptions
JA Marques, AH Tavares
Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime 4 (1), 14-23, 2023
Assessment of the stability of a procedure for variables selection in high dimensionality data: an application to genomic data-Alzheimer’s Disease
LC Rodrigues, J Cabral, AH Tavares, V Enes, M Pinheiro, G Moura, ...
Journal of Statistics on Health Decision 4 (1), 48-49, 2022
Neurophisiologic basis of acupuncture.
L Resende, A Gomes, A Tavares, JP Marques, K Pinto, MJ Baldaia, ...
Bacterial multidrug resistance description in Coimbra Burns Unit, 2016-2020
LC Rodrigues, V Afreixo, AH Tavares, M Caetano, C Chaves, L Cabral
Journal of Statistics on Health Decision 3 (1), 58-59, 2021
論文 1–20