Sara E. Brownell
Sara E. Brownell
Professor, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
確認したメール アドレス: asu.edu - ホームページ
Barriers to Faculty Pedagogical Change: Lack of Training, Time, Incentives, and… Tensions with Professional Identity?
SE Brownell, KD Tanner
CBE-Life Sciences Education 11 (4), 339-346, 2012
Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences Can Make Scientific Research More Inclusive
G Bangera, SE Brownell
CBE-Life Sciences Education 13 (4), 602-606, 2014
Science Communication to the General Public: Why We Need to Teach Undergraduate and Graduate Students this Skill as Part of Their Formal Scientific Training
SE Brownell, JV Price, L Steinman
Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 12 (1), E6, 2013
Transgenic mice with a reduced core body temperature have an increased life span
B Conti, M Sanchez-Alavez, R Winsky-Sommerer, MC Morale, J Lucero, ...
Science 314 (5800), 825-828, 2006
The influence of active learning practices on student anxiety in large-enrollment college science classrooms
KM Cooper, VR Downing, SE Brownell
International Journal of STEM Education 5 (1), 1-18, 2018
Gender Gaps in Achievement and Participation in Multiple Introductory Biology Classrooms
SL Eddy, SE Brownell, MP Wenderoth
CBE-Life Sciences Education 13 (3), 478-492, 2014
Males under-estimate academic performance of their female peers in undergraduate biology classrooms
DZ Grunspan, SL Eddy, SE Brownell, BL Wiggins, AJ Crowe, ...
PloS one 11 (2), e0148405, 2016
Undergraduate biology lab courses: comparing the impact of traditionally based “cookbook” and authentic research-based courses on student lab experiences
SE Brownell, MJ Kloser, T Fukami, R Shavelson
J. Coll. Sci. Teach 41, 18-27, 2012
A high-enrollment course-based undergraduate research experience improves student conceptions of scientific thinking and ability to interpret data
SE Brownell, DS Hekmat-Scafe, V Singla, P Chandler Seawell, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 14 (2), ar21, 2015
Beneath the numbers: A review of gender disparities in undergraduate education across science, technology, engineering, and math disciplines
SL Eddy, SE Brownell
Physical Review Physics Education Research 12 (2), 020106, 2016
Toward a conceptual framework for measuring the effectiveness of course-based undergraduate research experiences in undergraduate biology
SE Brownell, MJ Kloser
Studies in Higher Education 40 (3), 525-544, 2015
Coming Out in Class: Challenges and Benefits of Active Learning in a Biology Classroom for LGBTQIA Students
KM Cooper, SE Brownell
CBE-Life Sciences Education 15 (3), ar37, 2016
Caution, Student Experience May Vary: Social Identities Impact a Student’s Experience in Peer Discussions
SL Eddy, SE Brownell, P Thummaphan, MC Lan, MP Wenderoth
CBE-Life Sciences Education 14 (4), ar45, 2015
BioCore Guide: A Tool for Interpreting the Core Concepts of Vision and Change for Biology Majors
SE Brownell, S Freeman, MP Wenderoth, AJ Crowe
CBE-Life Sciences Education 13 (2), 200-211, 2014
Faculty Perspectives on Developing and Teaching Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences
EE Shortlidge, G Bangera, SE Brownell
BioScience 66 (1), 54-62, 2016
Treatment with an Interleukin 1 beta antibody improves glycemic control in diet-induced obesity
O Osborn, SE Brownell, M Sanchez-Alavez, D Salomon, H Gram, T Bartfai
Cytokine 44 (1), 141-148, 2008
Fear of negative evaluation and student anxiety in community college active-learning science courses
VR Downing, KM Cooper, JM Cala, LE Gin, SE Brownell
CBE—Life Sciences Education 19 (2), ar20, 2020
A writing-intensive course improves biology undergraduates' perception and confidence of their abilities to read scientific literature and communicate science
SE Brownell, JV Price, L Steinman
Advances in Physiology Education 37 (1), 70-79, 2013
Systemic augmentation of αB-crystallin provides therapeutic benefit twelve hours post-stroke onset via immune modulation
A Arac, SE Brownell, JB Rothbard, C Chen, RM Ko, MP Pereira, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (32), 13287-13292, 2011
Janus-like opposing roles of CD47 in autoimmune brain inflammation in humans and mice
MH Han, DH Lundgren, S Jaiswal, M Chao, KL Graham, CS Garris, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 209 (7), 1325-1334, 2012
論文 1–20