Linor Hadar
Linor Hadar
University of Haifa
確認したメール アドレス: a-hadar.co.il
Rethinking teacher education in a VUCA world: student teachers’ social-emotional competencies during the Covid-19 crisis
LL Hadar, O Ergas, B Alpert, T Ariav
European journal of teacher education 43 (4), 573-586, 2020
From isolation to symphonic harmony: Building a professional development community among teacher educators
L Hadar, D Brody
Teaching and teacher education 26 (8), 1641-1651, 2010
Assessing the effectiveness of monolingual, bilingual, and “bilingualised” dictionaries in the comprehension and production of new words
B Laufer, L Hadar
The modern language journal 81 (2), 189-196, 1997
Opportunities to learn: Mathematics textbooks and students’ achievements
LL Hadar
Studies in Educational Evaluation 55, 153-166, 2017
Uncovering students’ thinking about thinking using concept maps
R Ritchhart, T Turner, L Hadar
Metacognition and Learning 4, 145-159, 2009
Teachers' perceived professional space and their agency
HW Oolbekkink-Marchand, LL Hadar, K Smith, I Helleve, M Ulvik
Teaching and teacher education 62, 37-46, 2017
The interaction between group processes and personal professional trajectories in a professional development community for teacher educators
LL Hadar, DL Brody
Journal of Teacher Education 64 (2), 145-161, 2013
Creative thinking in mathematics curriculum: An analytic framework
LL Hadar, M Tirosh
Thinking Skills and Creativity 33, 100585, 2019
Mindfulness in and as education: A map of a developing academic discourse from 2002 to 2017
O Ergas, LL Hadar
Review of Education 7 (3), 757-797, 2019
“I speak prose and I now know it.” Personal development trajectories among teacher educators in a professional development community
D Brody, L Hadar
Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (8), 1223-1234, 2011
Preliminary investigation of whole-school mindfulness in education programs and children’s mindfulness-based coping strategies
N Sheinman, LL Hadar, D Gafni, M Milman
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27 (10), 3316-3328, 2018
Personal professional trajectories of novice and experienced teacher educators in a professional development community
DL Brody, LL Hadar
Teacher development 19 (2), 246-266, 2015
Teachers’ agency: Do their values make a difference?
LL Hadar, M Benish‐Weisman
British Educational Research Journal 45 (1), 137-160, 2019
Talk about student learning: Promoting professional growth among teacher educators
LL Hadar, DL Brody
Teaching and teacher education 59, 101-114, 2016
Critical moments in the process of educational change: Understanding the dynamics of change among teacher educators
DL Brody, LL Hadar
European Journal of Teacher Education 41 (1), 50-65, 2018
Cognitive opportunities in textbooks: the cases of grade four and eight textbooks in Israel
LL Hadar, TL Ruby
Mathematical Thinking and Learning 21 (1), 54-77, 2019
Does mindfulness belong in higher education?–an eight year research of students’ experiences
O Ergas, LL Hadar
Pedagogy, Culture & Society 31 (3), 359-377, 2023
Ideal versus school learning: Analyzing Israeli secondary school students’ conceptions of learning
L Hadar
International Journal of Educational Research 48 (1), 1-11, 2009
Teacher educators' professional learning in communities
L Hadar, D Brody
Routledge, 2016
Individual growth and institutional advancement: The in-house model for teacher educators' professional learning
LL Hadar, DL Brody
Teaching and Teacher Education 75, 105-115, 2018
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