Allison Ferguson
Allison Ferguson
PrecisionHawk, Inc.
確認したメール アドレス: precisionhawk.com
Early-season stand count determination in corn via integration of imagery from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and supervised learning techniques
S Varela, PR Dhodda, WH Hsu, PVV Prasad, Y Assefa, NR Peralta, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (2), 343, 2018
Desolvation barrier effects are a likely contributor to the remarkable diversity in the folding rates of small proteins
A Ferguson, Z Liu, HS Chan
Journal of molecular biology 389 (3), 619-636, 2009
Impulse distributions in dense granular flows: Signatures of large-scale spatial structures
A Ferguson, B Fisher, B Chakraborty
Europhysics letters 66 (2), 277, 2004
Spatio-temporal evaluation of plant height in corn via unmanned aerial systems
S Varela, Y Assefa, PV Vara Prasad, NR Peralta, TW Griffin, A Sharda, ...
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 11 (3), 036013-036013, 2017
Secondary structures in long compact polymers
R Oberdorf, A Ferguson, JL Jacobsen, J Kondev
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (5 …, 2006
Stress and large-scale spatial structures in dense, driven granular flows
A Ferguson, B Chakraborty
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (1 …, 2006
Growing length scale in gravity-driven dense granular flow
S Tewari, B Tithi, A Ferguson, B Chakraborty
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (1 …, 2009
Spatially heterogenous dynamics in dense, driven granular flows
A Ferguson, B Chakraborty
Europhysics letters 78 (2), 28003, 2007
Sharing the skies (safely): Near term perspective on sUAS integration in the NAS
A Ferguson, J McCarthy
2017 Integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS …, 2017
Spatial-Temporal Evaluation of Plant Phenotypic Traits via Imagery Collected by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
S Varela, PVV Prasad, GR Balboa, T Griffin, A Ferguson, IA Ciampitti
The International Society of Precision Agriculture Presents the 13th …, 2015
Desolvation effects and topology-dependent protein folding
A Ferguson, Z Liu, HS Chan
APS March Meeting Abstracts, D26. 003, 2007
Desolvation Barrier Effects Are a Likely Contributor to the Remarkable Diversity in the Folding Rates of Small Proteins [J. Mol. Biol.(2009) 389, 619–636]
A Ferguson, Z Liu, HS Chan
Journal of Molecular Biology 401 (1), 153, 2010
Dynamical heterogeneities in dense granular flow: timescales and large-scale particle rearrangements
A Ferguson, B Chakraborty
APS March Meeting Abstracts, N8. 002, 2006
Correlated Dynamics in Dense Granular Flow
S Tewari, A Ferguson, B Chakraborty
APS March Meeting Abstracts, H8. 013, 2006
Publication: t06/196
R Oberdorf, A Ferguson, J JL, J Kondev
Revue: Phys. Rev. E Phys Rev E 74, 051801, 2006
Dynamical heterogeneities and signatures of jamming in dense granular flow
APB Ferguson
Brandeis University, 2006
Stress and Velocity Correlations in Granular Flow
BJ Tithi, A Ferguson
APS March Meeting Abstracts, N36. 008, 2005
Dynamical heterogeneities and long-lived stress: signatures of jamming in a dense granular flow
A Ferguson
APS March Meeting Abstracts, J24. 001, 2005
Large Scale Dynamical Structures in Gravity Driven Granular Flow
A Ferguson, B Chakraborty
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2004, L18. 004, 2004
Incipient Force Chains in Gravity Driven Granular Flow
A Ferguson, B Chakraborty
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2003, B13. 010, 2003
論文 1–20