Adam Kolasinski
Adam Kolasinski
James W. Aston Republic Bank Professor of Finance, Mays School of Business, Texas A&M University
確認したメール アドレス: tamu.edu - ホームページ
A multiple lender approach to understanding supply and search in the equity lending market
MCR Adam C. Kolasinski, Adam V. Reed
Journal of Finance 68 (2), 559-595, 2013
Can Strong Boards and Trading Their Own Firm's Stock Help CEOs Make Better Decisions? Evidence from Acquisitions by Overconfident CEOs
A Kolasinski, X Li
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 48 (4), 1173-1206, 2013
Investment banking and analyst objectivity: Evidence from analysts affiliated with mergers and acquisitions advisors
AC Kolasinski, SP Kothari
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 43 (04), 817-842, 2008
Can Short Restrictions Actually Increase Informed Short Selling?
AC Kolasinski, A Reed, JR Thornock
Financial Management 42 (2), 155-181, 2013
Subsidiary debt, capital structure and internal capital markets
AC Kolasinski
Journal of Financial Economics 94 (2), 327-343, 2009
On the economic meaning of interaction term coefficients in non-linear binary response regression models
AC Kolasinski, AF Siegel
Available at SSRN 1668750, 2010
Do Private Equity Returns Result from Wealth Transfers and Short-Termism? Evidence from a Comprehensive Sample of Large Buyouts
J Harford, A Kolasinski
Management Science 60, 888-902, 2014
Managerial Myopia and the Mortgage Meltdown
AC Kolasinski, N Yang
Journal of Financial Economics, 2018
Are corporate managers savvy about their stock price? Evidence from insider trading after earnings announcements
A Kolasinski, X Li
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 29 (1), 27-44, 2010
Bears and numbers: Investigating how short sellers exploit and affect earnings-based pricing anomalies
B Cao, D Dhaliwal, AC Kolasinski, AV Reed
Working paper. University of Washington, 2007
Investment banking and analyst objectivity: Evidence from forecasts and recommendations of analysts affiliated with M&A advisors
A Kolasinski, SP Kothari
Mark-to-market regulatory accounting when securities markets are stressed: Lessons from the financial crisis of 2007–2009
AC Kolasinski
Journal of Accounting and Economics 52 (2-3), 174-177, 2011
Is the Chinese wall too high? Investigating the costs of new restrictions on cooperation between analysts and investment bankers
AC Kolasinski
Investigating the Costs of New Restrictions on Cooperation between Analysts …, 2006
Can short restrictions result in more informed short selling? Evidence from the 2008 regulations
AC Kolasinksi, AV Reed, JR Thornock
Financial Management 10, 2012
Why do firms issue secured debt?
J Bao, AC Kolasinski
Available at SSRN 2517670, 2016
R&D or R vs. D? Firm innovation strategy and equity ownership
J Driver, AC Kolasinski, JR Stanfield
Firm Innovation Strategy and Equity Ownership (October 28, 2024), 2024
Bears and Numbers: Investigating How Short Sellers Exploit and Affect Earnings-Based Pricing Anomalies, SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 748506
B Cao, DS Dhaliwal, AC Kolasinski, AV Reed
Social Science Research Network, Rochester, NY, 2007
Dedicated vs Transient: Not All Institutional Attention Is Good Attention
AC Kolasinski, X Li, MT Soliman, Q Xin
Available at SSRN 4211989, 2022
CEO narcissism, human capital, and firm value
SA Johnson, AC Kolasinski, J Nordlund
Mays Business School Research Paper, 2020
A tale of two intermediaries: A discussion of Johnston, Markov and Ramnath (2009), and Cheng and Neamtiu (2009)
AC Kolasinski
Journal of Accounting and Economics 47 (1-2), 131-135, 2009
論文 1–20