soodabeh soleymani
soodabeh soleymani
professor of science and research branch, Islamic Azad University
確認したメール アドレス: srbiau.ac.ir
Scenario-based stochastic operation management of microgrid including wind, photovoltaic, micro-turbine, fuel cell and energy storage devices
S Mohammadi, S Soleymani, B Mozafari
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 54, 525-535, 2014
Current methods for synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles
S Majidi, F Zeinali Sehrig, SM Farkhani, M Soleymani Goloujeh, ...
Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology 44 (2), 722-734, 2016
An Adaptive Modified Firefly Optimisation Algorithm based on Hong's Point Estimate Method to optimal operation management in a microgrid with consideration of uncertainties
S Mohammadi, B Mozafari, S Solimani, T Niknam
Energy 51, 339-348, 2013
Distributed consensus-based fault tolerant control of islanded microgrids
MA Shahab, B Mozafari, S Soleymani, NM Dehkordi, HM Shourkaei, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (1), 37-47, 2019
A high-accuracy hybrid method for short-term wind power forecasting
S Khazaei, M Ehsan, S Soleymani, H Mohammadnezhad-Shourkaei
Energy 238, 122020, 2022
Bidding strategy of generation companies using PSO combined with SA method in the pay as bid markets
S Soleymani
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 33 (7), 1272-1278, 2011
A novel paper based immunoassay of breast cancer specific carbohydrate (CA 15.3) using silver nanoparticles-reduced graphene oxide nano-ink technology: A new platform to …
S Hassanpour, M Hasanzadeh, A Saadati, N Shadjou, J Soleymani, ...
Microchemical Journal 146, 345-358, 2019
Designing time-of-use program based on stochastic security constrained unit commitment considering reliability index
M Nikzad, B Mozafari, M Bashirvand, S Solaymani, AM Ranjbar
Energy 41 (1), 541-548, 2012
Electricity price forecasting using artificial neural network
M Ranjbar, S Soleymani, N Sadati, AM Ranjbar
2006 International Conference on Power Electronic, Drives and Energy Systems …, 2006
A PMU-based LOE protection of synchronous generator in the presence of GIPFC
A Ghorbani, S Soleymani, B Mozafari
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 31 (2), 551-558, 2015
New approach for strategic bidding of Gencos in energy and spinning reserve markets
S Soleymani, AM Ranjbar, AR Shirani
Energy conversion and management 48 (7), 2044-2052, 2007
A new distribution network reconfiguration approach using a tree model
E Dolatdar, S Soleymani, B Mozafari
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58 (34), 1186, 2009
Strategic bidding of generating units in competitive electricity market with considering their reliability
S Soleymani, AM Ranjbar, AR Shirani
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 30 (3), 193-201, 2008
Retail market equilibrium in multicarrier energy systems: A game theoretical approach
S Khazeni, A Sheikhi, M Rayati, S Soleymani, AM Ranjbar
IEEE systems journal 13 (1), 738-747, 2018
Multi-agent system for the operation of an integrated microgrid
T Logenthiran, D Srinivasan
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 4 (1), 2012
Stochastic Consensus-Based Control of Gs With Communication Delays and Noises
MA Shahab, B Mozafari, S Soleymani, NM Dehkordi, HM Shourkaei, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (5), 3573-3581, 2019
Stochastic scenario‐based model and investigating size of energy storages for PEM‐fuel cell unit commitment of micro‐grid considering profitable strategies
S Mohammadi, B Mozafari, S Solymani, T Niknam
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 8 (7), 1228-1243, 2014
New approach to bidding strategies of generating companies in day ahead energy market
S Soleymani, AM Ranjbar, AR Shirani
Energy Conversion and Management 49 (6), 1493-1499, 2008
Optimal operation management of microgrids using the point estimate method and firefly algorithm while considering uncertainty
S Mohammadi, B Mozafari, S Solimani
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 22 (3), 735-753, 2014
Improving the wind penetration level of the power systems connected to doubly fed induction generator wind farms considering voltage stability constraints
MA Kamarposhti, SB Mozafari, S Soleymani, SM Hosseini
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7 (4), 2015
論文 1–20