Peter Munk
Peter Munk
確認したメール アドレス: bosch.com
Structuring validation targets of a machine learning function applied to automated driving
L Gauerhof, P Munk, S Burton
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 37th International Conference …, 2018
Model-based safety assessment with SysML and component fault trees: application and lessons learned
P Munk, A Nordmann
Software and Systems Modeling 19 (4), 889-910, 2020
A framework for adaptive software-based reliability in COTS many-core processors
MS Alhakeem, P Munk, R Lisicki, H Parzyjegla, G Muehl
ARCS 2015-The 28th International Conference on Architecture of Computing …, 2015
Lessons learned from model-based safety assessment with SysML and component fault trees
A Nordmann, P Munk
Proceedings of the 21th ACM/IEEE international conference on model driven …, 2018
Model-based reliability and safety: reducing the complexity of safety analyses using component fault trees
K Hofig, A Joanni, M Zeller, F Montrone, M Rothfelder, R Amarnath, ...
2018 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS), 1-7, 2018
Dependability challenges in the model-driven engineering of automotive systems
R Amarnath, P Munk, E Thaden, A Nordmann, S Burton
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2016
A fault injection approach to evaluate soft-error dependability of system calls
R Amarnath, SN Bhat, P Munk, E Thaden
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2018
Semi-automatic safety analysis and optimization
P Munk, A Abele, E Thaden, A Nordmann, R Amarnath, M Schweizer, ...
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Design Automation Conference, 1-6, 2018
Toward a fault-tolerance framework for COTS many-core systems
P Munk, MS Alhakeem, R Lisicki, H Parzyjegla, J Richling, HU Heiß
2015 11th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), 167-177, 2015
Position paper: Real-time task migration on many-core processors
P Munk, B Saballus, J Richling, HU Heiss
ARCS 2015-The 28th International Conference on Architecture of Computing …, 2015
A domain specific language to support HAZOP studies of SysML models
AP Kaleeswaran, P Munk, S Sarkic, T Vogel, A Nordmann
Model-Based Safety and Assessment: 6th International Symposium, IMBSA 2019 …, 2019
Dynamic Guaranteed Service Communication on Best-Effort Networks-on-Chip
P Munk, M Freier, J Richling, JJ Chen
Accelerated simulated fault injection testing
E Cioroaica, J Jahić, T Kuhn, C Peper, D Uecker, C Dropmann, P Munk, ...
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2017
Visualization of scheduling in real-time embedded systems
P Munk
On the Influence of Hardware Design Options on Schedule Synthesis in Time-Triggered Real-Time Systems.
A Biewer, P Munk, J Gladigau, C Haubelt
MBMV, 105-114, 2015
Compositionality of component fault trees
S Greiner, P Munk, A Nordmann
International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment, 125-140, 2019
A model-based safety analysis of dependencies across abstraction layers
C Dropmann, E Thaden, M Trapp, D Uecker, R Amarnath, LA da Silva, ...
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 37th International Conference …, 2018
Migration-aware WCET estimation for heterogeneous multi-cores
P Munk, J Richling
ACM SIGBED Review 11 (3), 22-25, 2014
A software fault-tolerance mechanism for real-time applications on many-core processors
P Munk, MS Alhakeem, R Lisicki, H Röhm, H Parzyjegla, HU Heiß
The Workshop on Highly-Reliable Power-Efficient Embedded Designs, 2016
A software fault-tolerance mechanism for mixed-critical real-time applications on consumer-grade many-core processors
P Munk
Dissertation, Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, 2016, 2016
論文 1–20