Dr. Ambadasu Bharatha
Dr. Ambadasu Bharatha
Lecturer in Pharmacology, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados.
確認したメール アドレス: cavehill.uwi.edu - ホームページ
Antimicrobial stewardship: fighting antimicrobial resistance and protecting global public health
MAA Majumder, S Rahman, D Cohall, A Bharatha, K Singh, M Haque, ...
Infection and drug resistance, 4713-4738, 2020
Genomic DNA isolation from human whole blood samples by non enzymatic salting out method.
A Bharatha, S Suguna, NDHSKR Kunkulol
BLDE (Deemed to be University), 2014
Teaching anatomy using an active and engaging learning strategy
K Singh, A Bharatha, B Sa, OP Adams, MAA Majumder
BMC medical education 19, 1-8, 2019
Keloids: current and emerging therapies
N Ojeh, A Bharatha, U Gaur, ALR Forde
Scars, burns & healing 6, 2059513120940499, 2020
A unique branching pattern of the axillary artery: a case report
IB Bagoji, GA Hadimani, BM Bannur, BG Patil, A Bharatha
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR 7 (12), 2939, 2013
Effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract on appetite and lipid profile in rats fed with hypercalorie/cafeteria diet.
B Ambadasu, DSVWRSW PS
BLDE (Deemed to be University), 2013
Anatomical variations of the suprascapular notch and its importance in suprascapular entrapment neuropathy
IB Bagoji, GA Hadimani, RS Bulgoud, V Desai, KG Prakash, A Bharatha
Maedica 15 (3), 298, 2020
Evaluation of short-term side effects following the first dose of COVID-19 vaccines among physicians and dentists: a cross-sectional study from India
MAA Majumder, K Singh, WMS Johnson, A Rajasundaram, S Gupta, ...
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 161-174, 2023
Anti diabetic effect of Momordica charantia (Bitter melone) on Alloxan induced diabetic rabbits
Y Vangoori, SS Mishra
International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences 2 (2), 137-142, 2013
Psychophysiological effects of yoga on stress management among medical and allied health professional students during covid-19 pandemic: A narrative review
S Sarkar, B Sa, K Singh, U Gaur, A Bharatha, V Victor, S Rahman, ...
Advances in Human Biology 11 (Suppl 1), S3-S12, 2021
A morphometric and radiological study of sacral hiatus in human adult sacra and its clinical relevance in caudal epidural anaesthesia
IB Bagoji, A Bharatha, KG Prakash, GA Hadimani, V Desai, RS Bulgoud
Maedica 15 (4), 468, 2020
Cost analysis of commonly used combination of drugs in primary open angle glaucoma
SK Kumbar, M Mirje, G Moharir, A Bharatha
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR 9 (5), FC05, 2015
Evaluation of hepatoprotective effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Momordica charantia leaves in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver toxicity in Wistar rats
G Moharir, A Bharatha, N Ojeh, S Vijay Prasad
Anatomical Insight on the Supernumerary Head of Biceps Brachii and its Clinical Relevance-Cadaveric Study.
IB Bagoji, MA Doshi, GA Hadimani, BSPBM Bannur, BG Patil, A Bharata
BLDE (Deemed to be University), 2014
Personal protective equipment (PPE) related adverse skin reactions among healthcare workers at the main COVID-19 isolation center in Barbados
A Bharatha, K Krishnamurthy, D Cohall, S Rahman, CA Forde, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 10, 978590, 2022
Effect of vitamin don blood sugar, HbA1c and serum insulin levels in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
G Moharir, AA Naikawadi, J Patil, P Bhixavatimath, A Bharatha
Maedica 15 (3), 327, 2020
Protective role of oxitard in drug induced ulcers in rats.
Sanghishetty Vijay Prasad, Anthireddy Srinivas, Kondam Ambareesh, Nayak BB ...
Int j biol med res. 3 (3), 1948-51, 2012
Effect of Caralluma Fimbriata extract on appetite, body weight and lipid profile in cafeteria diet-induced obesity in rats.
B Ambadasu, DSVW RS
BLDE (Deemed to be University), 2013
Comparing the performance of ChatGPT-4 and medical students on MCQs at varied levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
A Bharatha, N Ojeh, AM Fazle Rabbi, MH Campbell, K Krishnamurthy, ...
Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 393-400, 2024
COVID-19 AND ROBOTICS-creativities spark in the adverse
I Bagoji, A Bharatha
South East Asia Journal of Medical Sciences, 1-1, 2020
論文 1–20