Abbas Rabiee
Abbas Rabiee
Assistant Professor at Laval University
確認したメール アドレス: gel.ulaval.ca - ホームページ
Combined heat and power economic dispatch problem solution using particle swarm optimization with time varying acceleration coefficients
B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, M Moradi-Dalvand, A Rabiee
Electric Power Systems Research 95, 9-18, 2013
Voltage stability constrained multi-objective optimal reactive power dispatch under load and wind power uncertainties: A stochastic approach
SM Mohseni-Bonab, A Rabiee, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo
Renewable Energy 85, 598-609, 2016
Iteration PSO with time varying acceleration coefficients for solving non-convex economic dispatch problems
B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, A Rabiee, A Soroudi, M Ehsan
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 42 (1), 508-516, 2012
Corrective Voltage Control Scheme Considering Demand Response and Stochastic Wind Power
A Rabiee, A Soroudi, B Mohammadi-ivatloo, M Parniani
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (6), 2965-2973, 2014
Continuous quick group search optimizer for solving non-convex economic dispatch problems
M Moradi-Dalvand, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, A Najafi, A Rabiee
Electric Power Systems Research 93, 93-105, 2012
Imperialist competitive algorithm for solving non-convex dynamic economic power dispatch
ME Behnam Mohammadi-ivatloo, Abbas Rabiee, Alireza Soroudi
Energy 44 (1), 228-240, 2012
Information Gap Decision Theory based OPF with HVDC Connected Wind Farms
A Rabiee, A Soroudi, A Keane
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (6), 3396 - 3406, 2014
Information gap decision theory approach to deal with wind power uncertainty in unit commitment
A Soroudi, A Rabiee, A Keane
Electric Power Systems Research 145, 137-148, 2017
Optimal reactive power dispatch: a review, and a new stochastic voltage stability constrained multi-objective model at the presence of uncertain wind power generation
SM Mohseni-Bonab, A Rabiee
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (4), 815-829, 2017
A two-point estimate method for uncertainty modeling in multi-objective optimal reactive power dispatch problem
SM Mohseni-Bonab, A Rabiee, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, S Jalilzadeh, ...
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 75, 194-204, 2016
Maximizing hosting capacity of renewable energy sources in distribution networks: A multi-objective and scenario-based approach
A Rabiee, SM Mohseni-Bonab
Energy 120, 417-430, 2017
Time-varying acceleration coefficients IPSO for solving dynamic economic dispatch with non-smooth cost function
B Mohammadi-ivatloo, A Rabiee, M Ehsan
Energy conversion and management 56, 175-183, 2012
Green hydrogen: A new flexibility source for security constrained scheduling of power systems with renewable energies
A Rabiee, A Keane, A Soroudi
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46 (37), 19270-19284, 2021
Voltage Security Constrained Multi-Period Optimal Reactive Power Flow Using Benders and Optimality Condition Decompositions
A Rabiee, M Parniani
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 696 - 708, 2013
Stochastic Multiperiod OPF Model of Power Systems With HVDC-Connected Intermittent Wind Power Generation
A Rabiee, A Soroudi
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (1), 336-344, 2014
Nonconvex Dynamic Economic Power Dispatch Problems Solution Using Hybrid Immune-Genetic Algorithm
B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, A Rabiee, A Soroudi
IEEE, Systems Journal 7 (4), 777 - 785, 2013
Multi-objective stochastic model for joint optimal allocation of DG units and network reconfiguration from DG owner’s and DisCo’s perspectives
S Nikkhah, A Rabiee
Renewable energy 132, 471-485, 2019
Energy hub management with intermittent wind power
A Soroudi, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, A Rabiee
Large Scale Renewable Power Generation: Advances in Technologies for …, 2014
Fast Dynamic Economic Power Dispatch Problems Solution Via Optimality Condition Decomposition
A Rabiee, B Mohammadi-Ivatloo, M Moradi-Dalvand
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (2), 982-983, 2014
Technical barriers for harnessing the green hydrogen: A power system perspective
A Rabiee, A Keane, A Soroudi
Renewable Energy 163, 1580-1587, 2021
論文 1–20