Marc Dubin, MD PhD
Marc Dubin, MD PhD
Weill Cornell Medicine
確認したメール アドレス: med.cornell.edu
Resting-state connectivity biomarkers define neurophysiological subtypes of depression
AT Drysdale, L Grosenick, J Downar, K Dunlop, F Mansouri, Y Meng, ...
Nature medicine 23 (1), 28-38, 2017
GABA-modulating bacteria of the human gut microbiota
P Strandwitz, KH Kim, D Terekhova, JK Liu, A Sharma, J Levering, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (3), 396-403, 2019
Default mode network mechanisms of transcranial magnetic stimulation in depression
C Liston, AC Chen, BD Zebley, AT Drysdale, R Gordon, B Leuchter, ...
Biological psychiatry 76 (7), 517-526, 2014
Consensus recommendations for the clinical application of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the treatment of depression.
SM McClintock, IM Reti, LL Carpenter, WM McDonald, M Dubin, SF Taylor, ...
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 79 (1), 2018
Elevated prefrontal cortex GABA in patients with major depressive disorder after TMS treatment measured with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
MJ Dubin, X Mao, S Banerjee, Z Goodman, KAB Lapidus, G Kang, ...
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 41 (3), E37-E45, 2016
Rapid precision functional mapping of individuals using multi-echo fMRI
CJ Lynch, JD Power, MA Scult, M Dubin, FM Gunning, C Liston
Cell reports 33 (12), 2020
Functional connectivity of the left DLPFC to striatum predicts treatment response of depression to TMS
M Avissar, F Powell, I Ilieva, M Respino, FM Gunning, C Liston, MJ Dubin
Brain stimulation 10 (5), 919-925, 2017
Distinctions among real and apparent respiratory motions in human fMRI data
JD Power, CJ Lynch, BM Silver, MJ Dubin, A Martin, RM Jones
NeuroImage 201, 116041, 2019
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex induces brain morphological changes in regions associated with a treatment resistant major depressive …
MJ Lan, BT Chhetry, C Liston, JJ Mann, M Dubin
Brain stimulation 9 (4), 577-583, 2016
Rostral anterior cingulate cortex is a structural correlate of repetitive TMS treatment response in depression
AD Boes, BD Uitermarkt, FM Albazron, MJ Lan, C Liston, ...
Brain stimulation 11 (3), 575-581, 2018
Characteristics of respiratory measures in young adults scanned at rest, including systematic changes and “missed” deep breaths
JD Power, CJ Lynch, MJ Dubin, BM Silver, A Martin, RM Jones
Neuroimage 204, 116234, 2020
Functional and optogenetic approaches to discovering stable subtype-specific circuit mechanisms in depression
L Grosenick, TC Shi, FM Gunning, MJ Dubin, J Downar, C Liston
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 4 (6), 554-566, 2019
Prefrontal cortical blood flow predicts response of depression to rTMS
N Weiduschat, MJ Dubin
Journal of affective disorders 150 (2), 699-702, 2013
Age-related repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation effects on executive function in depression: A systematic review
IP Ilieva, GS Alexopoulos, MJ Dubin, SS Morimoto, LW Victoria, ...
The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 26 (3), 334-346, 2018
A naturalistic, multi-site study of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for depression
SF Taylor, MT Bhati, MJ Dubin, JM Hawkins, SH Lisanby, O Morales, ...
Journal of affective disorders 208, 284-290, 2017
Prevalent and sex-biased breathing patterns modify functional connectivity MRI in young adults
CJ Lynch, BM Silver, MJ Dubin, A Martin, HU Voss, RM Jones, JD Power
Nature communications 11 (1), 5290, 2020
Network-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression
MJ Dubin, C Liston, MA Avissar, I Ilieva, FM Gunning
Current behavioral neuroscience reports 4, 70-77, 2017
Identification of a circuit-based endophenotype for familial depression
M Dubin, M Weissman, D Xu, R Bansal, X Hao, J Liu, V Warner, ...
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 201 (3), 175-181, 2012
Behavioral influences on cortical neuronal responses to optic flow
MJ Dubin, CJ Duffy
Cerebral Cortex 17 (7), 1722-1732, 2007
Electric field modeling for transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroconvulsive therapy
ZD Deng, C Liston, FM Gunning, MJ Dubin, EA Fridgeirsson, J Lilien, ...
Brain and human body modeling: computational human modeling at EMBC 2018, 75-84, 2019
論文 1–20