Markus Kattenbeck
Markus Kattenbeck
Head Researcher of Spatial-HCI Lab, Geoninformation, TU Wien
確認したメール アドレス: geo.tuwien.ac.at - ホームページ
Understanding credibility judgements for web search snippets
M Kattenbeck, D Elsweiler
Aslib Journal of Information Management 71 (3), 368-391, 2019
Empirically measuring salience of objects for use in pedestrian navigation
M Kattenbeck
Qualität der Wikipedia-eine vergleichende Studie
R Hammwöhner, KP Fuchs, M Kattenbeck, C Sax
UVK Verl.-Ges. 46, 77-90, 2007
Empirically measuring salience of objects for use in pedestrian navigation
M Kattenbeck
Proceedings of the 23rd SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in …, 2015
Not Arbitrary, Systematic! Average-Based Route Selection for Navigation Experiments
B Mazurkiewicz, M Kattenbeck, P Kiefer, I Giannopoulos
11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience …, 2020
Manipulating the perception of credibility in refugee related social media posts
J Aigner, A Durchardt, T Kersting, M Kattenbeck, D Elsweiler
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Conference Human Information …, 2017
Towards interfaces of mobile pedestrian navigation systems adapted to the user’s orientation skills
C Ohm, S Bienk, M Kattenbeck, B Ludwig, M Müller
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 26, 121-134, 2016
How subdimensions of salience influence each other. comparing models based on empirical data
M Kattenbeck
13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017), 2017
Will You Take This Turn? Gaze-Based Turning Activity Recognition During Navigation
N Alinaghi, M Kattenbeck, A Golab, I Giannopoulos
11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience …, 2021
It’s also about timing! When do pedestrians want to receive navigation instructions
A Golab, M Kattenbeck, G Sarlas, I Giannopoulos
Spatial Cognition & Computation 22 (1-2), 74-106, 2022
I want to view it my way: interfaces to mobile maps should adapt to the user's orientation skills
S Bienk, M Kattenbeck, B Ludwig, M Müller, C Ohm
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2013
A white paper on locational information and the public interest
M Goodchild, R Appelbaum, J Crampton, W Herbert, K Janowicz, ...
American Association of Geographers, 2022
Navigating your way! increasing the freedom of choice during wayfinding
B Mazurkiewicz, M Kattenbeck, I Giannopoulos
11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience …, 2021
Is salience robust? A heterogeneity analysis of survey ratings
M Kattenbeck, E Nuhn, S Timpf
10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2018), 2018
Towards task-sensitive assistance in public spaces
MA Kilian, M Kattenbeck, M Ferstl, B Ludwig, F Alt
Aslib Journal of Information Management 71 (3), 344-367, 2019
Design Thinking= Human-Centered Design?
M Burghardt, M Heckner, M Kattenbeck, T Schneidermeier, C Wolff
Workshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2011. überMEDIEN| ÜBERmorgen, 2011
I Can Tell by Your Eyes! Continuous Gaze-Based Turn-Activity Prediction Reveals Spatial Familiarity
N Alinaghi, M Kattenbeck, I Giannopoulos
15th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2022), 2022
Airbot: using a work flow model for proactive assistance in public spaces
M Kattenbeck, MA Kilian, M Ferstl, F Alt, B Ludwig
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2018
Estimating models combining latent and measured variables: A tutorial on basics, applications and current developments in structural equation models and their estimation using …
M Kattenbeck, D Elsweiler
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Human Information Interaction …, 2018
Do You Recognize That Building’s Façade?
B Ludwig, S Bienk, M Kattenbeck, M Müller, C Ohm, M Einmal, T Glaser, ...
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 27 (3), 241-246, 2013
論文 1–20